Man plays metal songs in major instead of minor key – and the results are happy and hilarious
He has amazing guitar skills, but the video is hilarious!
Ryan Aliapoulios

Over the years, humans have come up with so many different kinds of music.

In the old days, music was a luxury reserved for the wealthy few. To see it performed live, you would have to go a concert hall and watch a professional orchestra play classical music with many players and instruments… of course, the digital age has changed all of that.


Nowadays, you can listen to millions of songs on-the-go, and the genres have shifted as well. If you like happy and cheerful music, you can listen to pop—and if you like more upbeat and aggressive music, you can listen to metal.

But what if metal and pop could be played in the exact same way?

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As it turns out, that’s what this performer decided to try out for himself.

The clip we’re talking about was posted to YouTube in February 2019 by the Paranormal Guitar Channel. Although metal is not everyone’s cup of tea, this guitarist decided to invert the genre by making just a couple changes.

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In essence, all the songs he plays are the same compositions with the same rhythm that they always had—he just shifts them from a minor to a major key so that they all sound bright and happy.

And to be honest, the results are uplifting and hilarious!

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As the clip begins, the guitarist takes a seat and does a quick strum on his acoustic guitar.

After that, some heavy and ominous kick drums set in. Just as it seems like the song will be too intense, he starts strumming away a version of “Raining Love,” a cheerful take on Slayer’s metal classic “Raining Blood.”

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Even if you’re not a fan of the original, his new arrangements are contagious and he plays them perfectly—and the idea itself is hilarious all on its own!

Still he has countless other metal classics in his repertoire.

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Before long, he switches over to playing Metallica songs.

The first one he takes on is “Blackened,” a particularly dark and intense song with a complex rhythm. In his version, the song becomes “Whitened,” a cheerful little romp through a sunny meadow… though it’s still got the heavy drums in it, of course.

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After that, he’s on to reinventing “Nothing Else Matters” as “Everything Matters,” and the result sounds quite a bit like an REM song actually.

But he’s still not done.

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Towards the end, he turns Pantera’s heavy groove metal song “Talk” into an uplifting indie rock jam!

Throughout the whole video, what’s clear above all is his amazing finger-picking skills, his perfect rhythm and his inventive arranging abilities!

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He even sneaks in “Hurt” by Johnny Cash and redoes “Breaking the Law” by Judas Priest as “Respecting the Law!” Since the clip was posted, it has earned about two million views—but it definitely deserves way more than that.

After all, you don’t see guitar medleys like this one every day!

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This video is just another example of why YouTube is such a great platform for up-and-coming musicians and creators.

Although his idea was unusual, he pulled it off with perfect skill and in a way that anyone can enjoy!

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Although metal is a fairly exclusive genre that not everyone can get behind, his creative re-imagining of these songs opens them up to a much wider audience. And needless to say, we can all use some new music and new creativity in our life.

Congratulations to Paranormal Guitar Channel on this awesome video! Be sure to check out the whole thing in the link below:

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