Nowadays, you don’t need to pay for pricey tickets just to watch a great pianist play live. Viral videos of great pianists all around the globe showing their impeccable talents have been circulating the internet.
If you’ve watched videos of Brendan Kavanagh, Andrei Balaban a.k.a. Andrei Piano, Joe Jenkins, Terry Miles, and Peter Buka, then you already know how these musicians surprise the public with their piano-playing skills.
Consider yourself lucky if you’ve been watching these pianists’ content on YouTube, but consider yourself blessed if you happen to be there when it actually happened.
A live music treat for everyone.

Adding to the list of great pianists online is none other than Glaucio Cristelo a.k.a. Piano Rock. He is a Brazilian rock pianist who is taking a wild run on the internet now.
Glaucio Cristelo is not your typical pianist; he looks more like a rock musician.
His rock ‘n’ roll style, with curly hair, a beard, and a cool outfit, has made him known for playing the piano in a unique way.

He gained recognition from performances at Shopping Leblon and Barrashopping.
When he plays the grand piano, he adds a fun touch by turning the stool into a swing, grabbing the attention of both teenagers and older ladies.
His informal style breaks away from the usual seriousness of piano playing.

Roberto Medina, the creator of Rock in Rio, noticed him and bought his first album, “Piano Rock 1,” released in 2009.
Glaucio’s distinctive style got him invited to perform at the official launch show of Rock in Rio 2011 and play in the festival’s VIP area, catching the eye of important guests.

Despite being young, Glaucio has an impressive resume with many theater shows and TV appearances on programs like TV Xuxa, Jô Soares, Altas Horas, and Estúdio i. He’s also involved in fashion events through his partnership with the clothing store Reserva.
In his CDs “Piano Rock 2” and “Piano Rock 3,” Glaucio adds new elements to his rock style, incorporating drums, bass, strings, and the orchestra.
The catchy melodies make it easy for the audience to sing along. His music covers classic rock ‘n’ roll and explores modern songs in the pop/rock genre without hesitation.
A new flavor to ‘Have You Ever Seen the Rain?’ by the Creedence Clearwater Revival.

In what seemed to be a lounge or waiting area at a place called the Piano Shopping Mall, the Glaucio Cristelo, or ‘Piano Rock’, did it again.
Surrounded by mall goers, he gave the song a good twist by making the tune a lot more livelier.
But apart from Cristelo’s greatness in terms of hammering the piano keys, one individual stood out amongst the onlookers.

A young boy in a blue shirt took over and stole the show!
At first, the young man was just cheerfully letting his leisure time pass together with his family.

But as soon as Cristelo started playing, he immediately sprung into action and danced along with the music.
He was jumping and moving around with so much energy and enthusiasm. It almost looked like the melody struck his entire body like a clap of thunder.
The young fella continued to jump, hop, and shake to Cristelo’s music as if they were partners at that very moment.

Turns out, people on social media loved the interaction because the video was able to gain nearly 4 million views! Online viewers, of course, also took notice of the dancing boy.
One YouTube user wrote, “That young man dancing in the background just showed how awesome this gentleman is on the piano. Wonderful rendition of a blast from my youth.”
Watch Cristelo and the young boy’s tandem in the video below.
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