At this point, most everyone is familiar with a certain dance move called “The Robot.”

This entirely expressive performance art allows the performer to use his or her body to create the illusion of being robotic.
It dates back as far as the 1920s, where mimes used it to enhance their theatrics. In modern times, robotic dancing started to gain traction in the late 1960s. To the beat of purely funky music, the live act Soul Train embraced the robot and brought it to the main stages. From there, the moves filtered their way into the Jackson 5…who infused the style with their own flare.
This mechanical novelty dance still astounds people to this day.

A wide variety of performers keep the art alive and share this highly experimental dance with others.
Keeping with the theme of its early mime roots, street performers often draw large crowds as they dazzle with the jerky movements, showing an utter command of their bodies.
City dwellers are well-acquainted with street corners lined with buskers and performers.

Both are staples of urban living, but not just any performer can command the attention of a crowd.
You must remain unique to draw the attention of the common pedestrian. While many have to the Internet to share their talents, others have risen to stardom unknowingly.
Enter this video of a New York street performer in 2013.

Even though it was posted seven years ago, this video has maintained its viral status—and for good reason!
Since being posted, the YouTube video entitled “Best Street Dance Ever” has received over 8 million views and 58,000 likes. The video features a man perfectly executing the robot to a soundtrack of songs. It is unclear who the dancer himself is, but the video takes place in New York City.
His crowd is captivated by the enthralling performance—and so are we!

The video begins as the dancer is surrounded by a cheering crowd, anticipating the next show to come.
A drumbeat rings out into the air and he screams out into the crowd, “Are you ready?” As the highly robotic song “Computer Love” by Zapp & Roger begins to play, he moves his body perfectly to mimic the cranky gears of a robot. His display is impeccable!
His gear-shifting is something to behold.

As he continues to move to the shake and beat of the song, he makes his rounds to involve the crowd that has gathered around him.
He pulls up to them in slow-motion, flirting and waving in robotic time, much to their delight. He works his way around the circle, smiling and running in slow motion. The control he has over his body is outright impressive.
The show takes a wild turn when he returns to the center of the ecstatic crowd to imitate driving a car!

A real show-stopper, the performer spreads his legs wide and gets into an invisible car.
He starts it up to the sound effect of the ignition, and “drives” it forward back towards the crowd. The crowd erupts in simultaneous laughter and applause! There’s no denying the value of this entertainment.
After one watch you’ll know exactly why this video has become so popular.

While many talented street performers put themselves out there, some particularly impress with outstanding moves.
While we may not know the name of this man, he definitely lives up to his YouTube title of “Best Street Dance Ever.” We hope he continues to share his talent with the world!
Check out his amazing and timeless moves for yourself in the link below!
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