The term “human nature” can be used as a catch-all phrase to excuse unacceptable behavior.
This little fact was put on full display one winter night in New York’s Bryant Park.
People were gathered to enjoy the wonders of one of Manhattan’s most iconic winter pastimes- ice skating. The place was packed with people of all generations effortlessly gliding around the ice floor as they filled the night with chatter.
Unfortunately, these same people acted incredibly unbecoming when they witnessed a man struggling cut the ice with the rest of them.

It looked like your typical light and carefree ice skating session but unfortunately, the announcer had to interrupt and break up the fun by informing the crowd of an ice cut and resurfacing.
“We ask you to please follow the directions of your skate guards and exit the ice slowly and safely. Thank you very much.”

Immediately, the ice skaters moved towards the exits to comply – with the exception of a man struggling to move across the ice.
“Sir, again the gentleman in the red sweater, just please if you can come around, turn around, come back to the exit, we’d appreciate it.”

Having been put on the spot, the man tried to move fast but he could barely glide across the icy surface. Clearly having difficulty with his ice skates, the man awkwardly did his best to head towards the exit.
The announcement, coupled with the man’s failed attempts, immediately caused groups of people to stare, laugh, and whisper.
They kept up their jeering for quite some time.
People were even shaking their heads and giggling as the man struggled.

Things were about to change when the music started pouring through the speakers.
Still trying to make his way towards the exit, the man stumbled awkwardly across the ice despite the whispers and giggles around him.
From barely being able to move, he suddenly started gliding slowly.
However, this did not change the crowd’s reaction to his poor ice skating skills. Some just quietly looked on while some continued eyeing him critically and laughing.

But to the amazement of the onlookers, the man in red began to move with more confidence.
Alone in the middle of the skating rink, he started pushing and gliding, even raising a leg behind him. His feigned inability sure had the crowd fooled.

As he continued skating almost expertly, the onlookers who seemed more concerned than the others began to smile, as if silently cheering him on and berating the ones who were making fun of him.
The music played on and the man showed off more moves on the ice.
He clearly enjoyed having proved everyone wrong while putting on an unexpected show for the park’s visitors.

This was a great lesson for everyone gathered that night. It is never okay to make fun of someone’s lack of skills. The Dalai Lama said it best,
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

The chilly winter night in NYC definitely presented the best surprise for the ice skaters.
How the gentleman in the red sweater acted and how everyone else responded was a true eye-opener.

See this man make the whole crowd eat humble pie in the video below!
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