Man freezes when he doesn’t recognize song played so partner turns it into solo moment to shine
This was so unexpected and fun to watch!
Ma Fatima Garcia

Who else loves to watch impromptu dancing?

Dancing itself is such an amazing art, but impromptu dancing is a whole new level of talent.

If you’re familiar with the term “Invitational Jack & Jill,” then you know what we are getting into.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

Each year, BudaFest, a West Coast Swing dance event in Budapest, happens.

Usually, it’s celebrated in early January.

In this yearly celebration, there are focused workshops, workshops, parties, and competitions.

One of our favorites is the Jack & Jill competition.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

High-level dancers, like international instructors, can participate without competing in regular categories.

How does this competition work?

As its name implies, the competitors are all invited by the organizers.

Then they would each take a seat on the stage and wait for the host to pick names at random.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

Once picked, they dance in spotlight format.

As the chosen couple dances the spotlight, all the other dancers would be watching them in the back.

They would also be the ones judging each other. It’s a fun competition.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

Last January 2022, they held Kyle Redd & Nicole Ramirez as the champions of this category.

We all want to know what made them stand out and win the title, don’t we?

It all started when Ben Morris, the MC of the competition picked Kyle Redd (USA) as the lead.

Then, Ryle picked Nicole Ramirez from France.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

Both dancers greeted each other and then they asked if they could hear what was the next song for them.

As soon as the music started, both dancers had two different reactions.

Kyle was confused and looked like he was a little scared too, but Nicole’s eyes lit up like a kid seeing a bucket of candies.

The audience even started clapping to the beat.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

It was “Mamma Mia!” a song from ABBA. It’s that’s catchy and famous.

Kyle was seen mumbling, “What is that?”

They all agreed to give Kyle a little taste of the music so they played the first part of the song.

What happened next was unexpected.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

It seemed like Nicole couldn’t contain her happiness and she started doing a solo dance.

Nicole was so energetic and happy with her little exhibition while some of the other dancers also danced a little.

Everyone was enjoying the music while Kyle was busy contemplating.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

Now, everyone initially thought that Kyle would be full of doubt, but as the song played for the third time, this handsome dancer showed everyone how talented he was.

He knelt on one knee and felt the beat.

Slowly, he took the lead and danced Mamma Mia as he practiced it for weeks!

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

Every move, every beat was on point

The way he moved was so beautiful and Nicole managed to sync to every move.

Oh! If you see that spin, you’d also give Nicole and Kyle a standing ovation!

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

In fact, some of their fellow dancers cheered for them.

Thibault, Nicole’s husband, was so proud of her.

It’s so amazing to see two dancers sync with each other.

YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing
YouTube Screenshot - West Coast Swing

They would move so perfectly and give their all to a song that was given to them at that moment.

It’s proof of how talented and passionate they are in their craft.

Don’t just take our word for it. Watch the full dance below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
