Proposing to your girlfriend, the girl you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, is the crown of a relationship.
Getting it right is very important, and planning a surprise is a must.

As intimate as the act might be, some opt for doing it publicly.
We found an excellent themed flashmob proposal from Brighton, which might spark a few ideas if you’re about to propose!
The inspiration was taken from The Greatest Showman.

The choreography, the costumes, and the music were all inspired by the 2017 American musical drama!
Given the fact that the future bride loves the movie, it made coming up with the idea a lot easier. The groom only had to plan it all, find the perfect attire, and plan the perfect moment.

We’re just joking—it’s not as easy as it seems, but love makes the world go round, so he pulled it off.
One of the sweetest proposals we’ve ever seen took place at Churchill Square in Brighton, UK. The video was filmed in the spring of 2018.

He puts it simply at the beginning of the video: “When I met her, I felt that she was the one for me.”

You can see that he’s planned it all to the smallest detail because the video begins with an interview.
Harry’s friend is behind the camera, and asking questions as to what are they planning to do secretly and why.

Harry decides to open up and explain why he loves Amy so much.
It’s not only romantic, but it’s also practical because he made a beautiful memory and an amazing reminder of the love they share. Amy and Harry will always have this video to go back to these happy times and cherish the bond they share.

Harry also added that Amy is “a wonderful human being, very kind and that he just knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.”
He ends up a short conversation with “It’s going to be a massive shock for Amy.” Then the real show begins.

The performance took place at 4 pm on April 14th, 2018.
The camera shows Amy in the street talking to a lady, possibly her mother. Harry is also with them, and you can see him fiddling with his jacket sleeves. We know now that he was trying his best not to look suspicious. People are walking around, minding their own business, and then a couple of dancers come out of nowhere.

Four girls in dresses begin to dance to “Rewrite The Stars.”
Then more dancers appear, there are balloons around, and people quickly realize that something interesting is about to happen and everyone takes out their phone. Harry finally jumps among dancers and goes back to switch his jacket for a much fancier costume.

Amy is smiling—and it seems like she understands what’s going on.
Her future husband turns out to be an awesome dancer, but the best part is when he goes down on one knee and proposes!

She says yes, and it’s no surprise why—Harry displayed some great dance moves!
He must have prepared a lot for the magical moment. The song switches to “Come Alive” and he pops the question. It all ends in a hug, and you can see the love when you look at this couple. We wish them a happy, long-lasting marriage, and we hope that they’ll always be as happy as in the video.
Check out the full performance in the link below:
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