Band Begins Playing But Drummer Steals The Show
Now, this is funny.
Kathleen Shipman

During a band’s performance of a classic sixties song, you might be expecting a certain type of vibe.

While the video below will surely beam you back, chances are you’ll be distracted by one thing…the drummer.

Get ready for a fun rendition of the “Peppermint Twist” that actually has its very own twist!

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Rick K. and the Allnighters is a traveling group that performs some of our favorite rock hits from the past.

It’s known as “America’s Most Exciting Show Band,” and consists of a variety of talented musicians. But in this number, it’s the group’s drummer that caught the internet’s attention.

It all started at one of their shows at an amusement park.

A crowd member hit record to film their performance of ZZ Top’s “Sharp Dressed Man,” and ended up capturing footage that was liquid gold.

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The video features two of the band members performing the song with a little rock-and-roll style, but it’s the drummer that stands out in the background.

He can be seen playing the drums wildly and with passion as if he’s at a major rock concert. Really, he’s quite entertaining to watch! The video ended up being uploaded to YouTube with the title, “this drummer is at the wrong gig,” and it spread like wildfire.

Steve Moore is the name of the drummer (aka The Mad Drummer).

After the video went viral, he was recognized by drumming publications, Yahoo!, and featured on Tosh.O. It led Steve to appear in an episode of the hit show The Office (“Pam’s Replacement”), in an Advil commercial, and it also opened doors to many other exciting opportunities (including playing internationally).

Facebook/The Mad Drummer
Facebook/The Mad Drummer

The video below is another one of Rick K. and the Allnighters’ performances with their band member (at the time) The Mad Drummer. Only now, you’ll have to see how he handles a sixties classic!

According to the YouTube video description, it took place in Princeton, West Virginia at the Chuck Mathena Center. Each of the guys is dressed in sparkly attire ready to put on an entertaining show. But unsurprisingly, there’s one that steals the spotlight.

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Once Rick K. gives a background on Joey Dee and the Starliters’ “Peppermint Twist,” it’s time to show everyone what they can do.

The main vocalist begins singing the 1961 tune and throwing in some twist moves. But at the same moment, Steve starts headbanging and playing the drum like a “madman!” The guitarist also gets a little wild on his feet too, but once they’re spotted – Rick pretends to scold them to get them to stop.

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Let’s just say it’s like an old-school performance with some added spice!

As some of the musicians try and keep things smooth and classic, The Mad Drummer doesn’t hold back with the skills that made him a viral sensation. The lead singer tries to keep a lid on him, but apparently it’s not so easy to do. Even the guitarist can’t help turning things up a notch!

It’s all part of their act, of course – but it adds a comical element to their performance.

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By no surprise, Steve once again steals the show in this video too! One viewer hilariously commented:

“I thought the drummer was Animal from the Muppet Show.”

Another person wrote:

“That drummer is what you refer to as “A ROCK STAR!” Dude you totally nailed it and then some!!”

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You can watch how awesome The Mad Drummer is for yourself in the video below, all with a little “Peppermint Twist!”

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