Do you remember your first celebrity crush?
When you’re young, a celebrity crush can feel like the real deal! You watch them on the screen or listen to them on the radio and wonder what it would be like to meet them in real life and tell them how much you love them.
For one young teen, that dream became a reality when he took the X Factor stage.

Luke Lucas – yes, that is is real, God-given name – has loved singer Tulisa for a long time. At age 16, it’s probably the deepest kind of romantic loved he’s felt so far in his life. Tulisa is also a judge on the X Factor. Luckily for Luke, he’s talented enough to score an audition and look his huge crush right in the eye.
Right before he steps out from backstage, Luke is brimming with excitement. He doesn’t seem nervous at all! That’s more that can be said about many contestants twice or three times his age.

His confidence doesn’t waver when he sets his eyes on the love of his life, either! He may get a tiny bit bashful, but he doesn’t let that stop him from telling her how beautiful she looks, or from getting a kiss on the cheek!
All of this interaction is just adorable, but it’s just the precursor to the real show that’s in store. Luke Lucas isn’t just a lovesick teen… he’s got a boatload of talent to share!
When he says that he’s going to sing “Who’s Loving You” by Michael Jackson, Tulisa’s eyes widen in anticipation of how this is all going to go down.
Then, once he starts to sing, it’s almost like Michael’s spirit has been returned to the stage for a moment.

Luke’s voice is just perfect for this song. He has the kind of voice that can’t be taught… he was obviously born with natural talent and stage presence. The way he took that stage for his own and commanded the audience is at the caliber of a seasoned professional! This is what this kid was made to do. It seems like his parents knew that would be the case when they gave him a name like Luke Lucas! It was fate. They’re all so proud of him while they watch from backstage.

The audience and the judges are absolutely blown away by this young man’s talent. It’s like they never want it to end but can hardly wait until it’s over at the same time so that they can tell him how amazing he is.

What do you think if Luke’s performance? It’s exciting to think about how his talent will only continue to mature as he gets older and has more practice singing in front of huge crowds of people.
This performance, though, will be one that he’ll remember for the rest of his life. He got to meet his childhood crush! That’s not something that very many people get to do. And, he even got a kiss on the cheek!
This is what shows like this are all about, don’t you think so?
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