Little girl is challenged to face-off by street performer and earns over 14M views
No one's going to forget a show like this.
Jake Manning

London, a bustling hub of culture and entertainment, welcomes an astounding 30 million visitors annually.

These tourists contribute approximately £15 million to the city’s economy each year.

It’s no surprise then that the city’s streets are a playground for buskers, who seize the opportunity to entertain the masses and earn their living.

From musicians showcasing their talent through song and dance, to performers dressed in vibrant costumes, to those who captivate audiences with thrilling circus acts, the streets of London are alive with a diverse array of performances.

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YouTube - michelmond

However, not all is perfect in the world of busking.

There have been instances of buskers leaving behind a mess on public property, causing disturbances to local businesses, and failing to manage crowds effectively, thereby posing safety risks.

As a result, buskers are required to obtain a license or permit to perform in London, ensuring they adhere to the rules and regulations of the city.

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YouTube - michelmond

Despite these challenges, many buskers successfully navigate the rules and continue to charm both locals and tourists alike.

A group of street performers near South Bank is a prime example.

They have secured a spacious area for their performances, far enough from businesses to avoid causing any disturbance.

This space is essential for their act, which involves a variety of acrobatics, dance, and physical activities.

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YouTube - michelmond

An integral part of their act is audience participation.

On one occasion, they invited a young girl from Sweden to join them.

One of the performers challenged her to mimic his actions, a challenge she readily accepted.

The first task seemed simple enough: push-ups.

She completed the task with ease, proving that the performer had chosen his participant wisely.

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YouTube - michelmond

The next challenge was a cartwheel.

The performer executed it flawlessly, but could the young girl match his skill?

To everyone’s surprise and delight, she not only replicated the cartwheel but performed several in succession.

The crowd erupted in cheers, thoroughly enjoying the unexpected display of gymnastics.

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YouTube - michelmond

The young Swedish girl was clearly having the time of her life.

She reveled in the attention and the thrill of the performance.

But the best was yet to come.

The performers had a surprise in store for her—an acrobatic act that she would be a part of.

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YouTube - michelmond

As they instructed her to raise her arms, the audience watched in anticipation, unsure of what was to come.

Suddenly, one performer leapt onto the shoulders of another.

He took hold of the girl’s hand while the performer at the bottom secured her waist.

Together, they spun around, with the young girl suspended in mid-air.

The crowd watched in awe as the unexpected acrobatic act unfolded.

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YouTube - michelmond

The girl was visibly thrilled by the experience.

She returned to her mother, who had been recording the entire event, with a wide smile on her face.

Their trip to London had turned into an unforgettable adventure.

Little did they know that this impromptu performance would not only be a cherished memory but also a viral sensation.

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YouTube - michelmond

The video of the young girl’s face-off with the London buskers garnered over 14 million views, making her an internet sensation.

As she returned home, she had an incredible story to share with her friends.

Watch the crowd cheer on this young girl below!

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