What happens when you put two four-year-olds and one two-year-old on stage for their very first dance recital?
The adorable result will have you laughing until your sides hurt.
As the girls dance to the song A Spoon Full of Sugar, they keep the audience clapping, cheering, and laughing throughout.
It’s a hit!
It’s not just the audience there that night who have found the performance to be perfect in its own way. The video has also received nearly 200,000 views on YouTube. The level of cuteness is hard to ignore for anyone.

A recital worth remembering
It’s a good thing that a parent in the audience decided to record the moment. It is the perfect one to replay again and again over the years as the girls grow up. No one would want them forgetting this dance.
As the music begins, we find the three girls on stage side by side with the youngest in the middle. They are each wearing a matching dress with white polka dots and stripes on black material, topped off with a cute pink lace fringe. The pink ribbons they have on their pigtails complete the perfect costume for a first dance recital.

Having fun with it
The girls are smiling as they begin their choreographed dance moves. It starts off well, and the youngest one keeps up with the older two, although she never takes her eyes off of them so that she can follow what they are doing.
As the whistling in the song begins, they mimic a whistling face to the laughter and amusement of the audience. While the toddler still keeps up with the dance, she can already be seen breaking out into happy laughter at the dance moves. The distraction has begun, and the dance is about to take a turn from its original structure.

Cuteness overload
A ballet teacher dressed in black can be seen showing up on the stage behind the girls to prompt them on the proper movement of their arms. The littlest of the three girls half-turns around to watch her carefully and follow the instructions.
By this point, she is lip-syncing with the music and the girl to her right stops and seems unsure about how the entire performance is going. However, with a little encouragement from the teacher, all three are soon dancing in semi-unison again.

It’s all going downhill from here
Now, the perfect distance between the dancers has been disrupted, and the smallest dancer is right next to the girl on her left. The teacher comes by and moves her a few steps over to the middle. However, as soon as the teacher leaves, she takes a few more steps until she is directly next to the girl on her right. The audience can’t stop chuckling.
As the girl next to her moves one of her hands with the music, the small dancer watches and starts giggling as if it is a game, and it does seem to be by this point. She looks at the audience, the ceiling, and the other girls as she follows them around the stage, ignoring her intended spot in the center.

By then, the audience is clapping and laughing hysterically. Thankfully, at least for the teacher, and much to her relief, the dance finally comes to an end and she can herd the little ballerinas off stage to a round of applause.
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