Little girl starts doing Irish jig at wedding but brother adorably steals the spotlight
They're both so talented.
Jake Manning

Wedding receptions are always a blast. It’s a great time to dance, celebrate, and just have fun with family and friends.

Diane and Steve brought their wedding to a whole new level with the band they hired.

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They hired a live Irish band to kick out the jams. And then there’s a little nine-year-old who knows a thing or two about Irish dancing. Bring it all together and they raise the excitement level to heights very few receptions ever dare to climb.

If you’re into Irish music and Celtic Rock, and you’re from the East Coast then you need to know about the Paul Moore Band.

The band is the face of Irish Weekend in North Wildwood, New Jersey.

Diane and Steve knew if they could get the Paul Moore Band to perform at their wedding, they’ll have a reception that would go down in history.

This night will be remembered for a lifetime.

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The band set up on the stage and decided to burst into a well-known classic in Irish Folk music.

Paul Moore tells the guest to put their hands together, as the band strums the fast paced rhythm of “I’ll Tell Me Ma.”

The song has been recorded multiple times, and it’s a much-loved song for children.

Sometimes known as “The Belle of Belfast City,” the lyrics can change to call out your own hometown.

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Now if you’re gonna have the legendary wedding reception, you can’t just have a live band.

Sure it is a step above having your twelve-year-old nephew controlling an iPod, but in order to be the stuff of legend, you gotta have some kind of edge.

That’s where the nine-year-old niece steps onto the dancefloor and runs through a performance that brings down the house.

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She’s primed and ready. She has her formal dress on, and she has the proper shoes for this dance.

She’s practiced and she’s poised.

Once the band starts into the ditty, she gets warmed up by circling the dance floor letting everyone know she means business.

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The ringbearer in the black suit is getting so amped up.

He wants so badly to join in and tear up the dance floor.

He’s studying her moves and giving them his best shot. He can hardly wait to get his chance under the spotlight. At a high point in the song, Paul Moore does what he does best, encouraging folks to have the time of their lives tonight.

He yells into the mic, “Who’s gonna join her out there? Now come on!”

That’s the ringbearer’s cue, he looks back at Paul Moore as if to say, “Are you for real? We can join her on the dance floor!”

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And then he bolts. He’s now in it, and following the little girl’s lead. They both are lightning on their feet and the crowd gets even more into it.

And then the groom’s grandmother hotfoots it to the song. It’s an incredible moment to see.

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The band reaches new heights as the little girl kicks and stomps along to the music.

The wedding guests are getting jazzed up as they weren’t even ready for this.

The newlyweds had the perfect wedding. Their reception went down in history, and old and young alike had a wonderful reception.

This party will live in their memories for years to come.

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This girl did such a great job performing. It’s certainly a night to remember.

Check out the full dance for yourself in the video below!

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