Little Gigi Valenti loves to dance. The Brazilian tot is particularly taken with flamenco.
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And since her father is a photographer, the adorable photos and videos of this child doing her best to emulate flamenco dancers aren’t hard to come by.
Daniel Valenti posted the first video of Gigi and in it she had taken her mother’s heels and was practicing her moves in front of the large mirror.

More videos followed over the next year, each of them going viral.
After all, she’s just too darn cute.
In the caption for her most viral video, we’re told how it all came about and where it ended up:
“A girl who was mesmerized by flamenco dancers is now a prodigy in the Spanish dance. Gigi Valenti, from Brazil, borrows her mother’s shoes and ‘dances everywhere in the house’ – and loves dressing up in the skirt. The adorable two-year-old was too shy to dance at first, but after watching the dancers in awe, finally got into the swing of things eight months ago. She has even been awarded performing shoes from a professional dancer after seeing her video online.”
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We don’t know if Gigi is still dancing today, but she certainly got her chance to shine on stage for a while!
The photoshoots followed – and now we’re really curious to know if she’s taking lessons.
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Gigi’s most popular video begins with the little girl receiving a package.
What could it be?

Those look like some professional dance shoes to us! And they came from none other than flamenco star José Carmona!
Gigi looks pretty excited to try them on and start breaking them in.

Of course, you’ve got to get them on your feet and make sure they make the right kind of noise first.
So the toddler’s first order of business is to sit and stomp her feet just to make sure they’re dance-worthy.
They’re a little bit large, but she’ll grow into them. And that’s certainly not stopping her from wearing them immediately.

Luckily, they pass the test and Gigi is ready to try some flamenco moves.
She’s even got a scarf to twirl around for added effect. The costume is complete!

It’s pretty clear this little one has not only been watching a lot of dancers but that she’s got a knack for emulating them.
This is some serious flamenco style for a 2-year-old, don’t you think?

The costume, the shoes, the scarf – all that missing is a fan, right?
Well, it turns out Gigi has come prepared. When you’re 2, half the fun of dancing is dressing up!

She’s too adorable with her moves and you can clearly see she’s loving every minute of it!
Be sure to scroll down below to see her entire adorable video.
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