Homes are filled with nativity scenes, presents are wrapped, and churches are in full swing. Choirs are ready and buzzing with excitement to sing for the congregation.
This church was certainly in the spirit, utilizing a children’s choir for the service. The girls are in red while the boys wore… what they wanted. But at least there’s an Advent wreath in the center!

The actual choir stands behind the kids but since Christmas is all about the family, proud moms and dads are proudly watching their children sing their hearts out for the birth of the Savior.
But the joy of having kids is their unpredictability.

So the church service went on, both choirs singing to the high heavens in praise of the Christmas story, and you can bet parents had phones out so they could record their kids.
It was solemn and heartfelt until one little girl got bored.

See the thing with kids is you can’t expect them to focus on one task for long periods of time.
They get bored. And when they get bored, that’s when it gets interesting. Always.

The smallest little girl on the left decided to add her own spice to the singing. Can’t blame her though. She just came from Christmas parties where everything was alive and festive. Why stand and sing without moving?
Plus she’s all pretty with her dress!
Lore Bay made a great point,
“Praise, is acceptable even in the dance, clapping, whirling and turning, leaping and dancing, giving praise to our God. God is not dead, neither should we be. Even JESUS blessed little children, let them alone and bring them to me. Amen.”
So technically nothing wrong with what she did. Singing and dancing in praise of God can be found in the Bible.

You can see her at the 40 second mark twirling around, admiring her dress. Those boots are made for dancing too!
This little one’s got that theatrical bug in her. All eyes on them that night but she did not shy away from breaking in to a dance. Give her a few years and we may see her on stage. Watch out mom and dad!

Miss pee left a beautiful thought in the comments,
“She was the true shining star that Christmas, adapting her dance class routine wherever and whenever. Bless her for always😇🤗🥰💝”
A little curtsy, a slow spin, and a little jump all for the baby Jesus!

Ballet’s future looks extra bright under those church lights. This little girl surely has God’s blessings should she decide to become a ballerina someday. Whoever was responsible for this night was not expecting this. But it made the service so much better!
That was an almost-pirouette but she decided against it. That’s okay, no one is stopping you. Dance away!

Watch this little lady in red dance her praises in church below!
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