Proof that even indoors, people can have fun. Plus it’s an awesome way to bond!
You know how it was the past few years. Trend after trend came that it was so hard to follow who was doing what and which one was more popular.

The Git Up challenge became a viral trend.
Blanco Brown‘s song was such a hit that his dancing in the music video set the stage for the challenge. The song is so catchy, the dancing so much fun, it’s easy to see why people all over the United States had their own go at it.

The lyrics tell you how to dance. Blanco even came out with another video on how to do the challenge.

This little lady and her father had a little fun in their living room. That’s how it is with dads. No matter how tough he is, when it comes to his daughter, the man will do anything for her. That’s what real men do.
“Right now
I just need you to get real loose
Get comfortable
Grab your loved ones or grab your love partner”
Look at how dad grabs her hand at the “loved ones” part. So sweet!

She is hyped and ready!
Dad has the muscles, and his daughter has her smile. Now dance!
“Gon’ and do the 2 step then cowboy boogie
Grab your sweetheart and spin out with ’em
Do the hoedown and get into it (whoo, whoo, whoo)”

Look at dad go! He can cut a rug!
“Take it to the left now and dip with it
Gon’ throw down, take a sip with it
Now lean back put your hips in it”
Seems easy to follow. Why don’t you give it a shot?

It’s so adorable to see this little girl dancing with her father. It’s anyone’s guess as to who had the idea of doing this but either way, they both agreed to it. Even the dog seems interested. Get in there, pooch!

Brown is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, and engineer. He has worked with countless artists. Blanco developed his own style which caught on with listeners. It was a product of where and how he grew up plus his musical influences.

The Git Up Challenge certainly found more success with the help of social media. When your song is played all over with random folks dancing to it, others will follow suit. It’s infectious. Really fun too!
She’s having so much fun that she’s even singing along to Brown’s hit!

In fact, the little lady was enjoying every moment so much that she breaks in to her own moves every once in awhile. Moves not dictated in the song. But it’s all good! So long as she’s having the time of her life!
Her father goes through all the moves and the little one glances over every once in awhile to copy what he’s doing. So who did it better? Does she deserve candy? Or does dad deserve a drink?

Check out this Git Up challenge with this fun dad and his daughter below!
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