Aren’t kids cute? They’re especially adorable when they sing their little hearts out. That’s when you can’t help falling in love with them. Although there are thousands upon thousands of videos online of children doing exactly that, once in a while, one stands out
Josh Groban
To some people, Josh Groban might seem like an unlikely superstar. But he is. With an angelic voice, he’s become a multi-platinum recording artist, having sold more than 22 million records in the US alone. Among some of his most notable songs are “Bring Him Home,” “Granted,” and “You Raise Me Up.”

Filling big shoes
Well, a young boy by the name of Jun Ivan Balane chose one of Groban’s songs to perform. And while this kid might be little, he has a huge voice. There’s no question Groban would be very proud of what he did.

A long introduction
During the long introduction at the beginning of the song, this kid keeps looking over at someone as if he wants some encouragement. But once he starts to sing, he doesn’t need it. Yes, his voice is still young but he stays right on key.

“You Raise Me Up”
In a video uploaded on social media, you first see this lad standing in his living room. Wearing an earbud and holding a microphone in his hand, he looks so serious. Then slowly, the music begins to play. At this point, you wonder if he’s any good.

He gives it his all
Not only does he sing this slow song on key but he also has a nice vibrato. Initially, you can tell he’s somewhat nervous. But as he continues, his voice becomes stronger.

He’s quite good
Just a little more than a minute into the video, Jun hits some higher notes. That’s when you really see he has talent. And the best part…he’s singing from his heart. For him, this is serious business.

Feeling emotion
As Jun continues to sing, it’s not hard to tell that he’s feeling the emotion of the song. At one point, he lifts his arms to his side, just like a pro. Once he’s warmed up, he nails this Josh Groban song.

Real potential
This boy can’t be more than nine or ten years old. And if his voice is this good now, coupled with his passion for singing, he could have a real shot as a professional. Sure, it’ll take time and training, but all things are possible.

Working the stage…
…or in this case, the living room. About two-thirds through the video, Jun begins to walk the room. He’s not paying attention to anything or anyone…just the music and it shows. Kudos, kid, you’re well on your way to becoming a star.

Strong finish
Remember, this boy’s been singing for over three minutes, which for a non-professional is a long time. But even at the end of the video, his voice remains strong. Hopefully, he’ll get the opportunities he needs to pursue his passion.

This feel-good video is fun to watch. You can see it for yourself by clicking on it below. We don’t know if Josh Groban has seen it but we certainly hope so since Jun deserves a shout-out.
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