Being a kid is the time to learn and understand the things that truly make you, you. Sometimes this means going against the well-wishes of parents and family – but it’s not always a bad thing!
One little boy seemed to be in the very moment of learning his most preferred talents on stage at a clogging audition. The auditionees were supposed to be showing off their clogging skills in front of the judges, but this toddler listened to his heart – and his heart told him to break-dance.

According to Clog On, clogging “is a dance that is done in time with the music -to the downbeat usually with the heel keeping rhythm… New influences are creeping into the dance because of popular culture. Tap dancing, Canadian Step Dancing, Irish Hard Shoe and even street dancing and hip-hop influences…”

There are many famous and talented cloggers of today and the past, and the style of dance is still very popular in some parts of the US. But when this little kid took to the stage, he realized that clogging simply wasn’t his way of life.

When the music starts, he follows along with his peers for a couple of seconds, clogging away obediently. But it doesn’t take him long to get bored of that – and the next minute, he’s break-dancing.

This kid isn’t afraid to go all-out with his moves. He couldn’t care less that he’s technically “breaking the rules” – if he wants to spin around on the floor, why shouldn’t he?

The audience eats his performance up, laughing and cheering, which only eggs this little chap on even further. Nobody makes a move to stop him from expressing himself with his own form of dance, even if he is at a clogging competition.
Eventually, he switches seamlessly back into clogging mode, almost as if he hopes that the judges will be happy if he gives them a bit of what they’re looking for. but then it’s back to break-dancing, before each of the auditionees is granted a solo moment.

Now that was what this comical kid was clearly looking forward to the most. When it’s his turn to perform alone, he wastes no time in busting his break-dancing moves, some of which are pretty impressive for a toddler.

There’s no denying that he’s got the style and confidence to take him far in life – and why not mix up his dance styles a bit? To be able to show that you’re talented at two very different types of dance is nothing to be ashamed of. No wonder he’s showing off the best of both of his abilities for all it’s worth.

What’s for sure, this little lad probably didn’t make it through to the next round, especially as the other auditionees managed to stick to clogging only. But that’s not to say he doesn’t have a very bright break-dancing career ahead of them!

If this audition has taught his parents anything, it’s that you can’t force a toddler to do something they’re not interested in. Hopefully they signed him up for a more appropriate break-dancing audition as soon as they took him home.
You can scroll down to check out the hilariously adorable video for yourself.
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