Do you have a favorite Disney movie from when you were growing up?
Obviously, there’s no truly “right” answer to this question… though there are a lot of contenders that come up again and again. If you’re a fan of the truly old-school Disney movies, your favorite might be Snow White or Pinocchio

If you’re more into the ‘60s-’70s era (or you’re the author of this article), your favorite might be Robin Hood or 101 Dalmatians. Still, plenty of people love Disney’s ‘90s resurgence most of all, with movies like The Lion King or Aladdin.
And as it turns out, many of the latter have even been turned into Broadway musicals.

Of all the many Disney Broadway adaptations, one of the oldest of them all is The Lion King.
For those who don’t know, the musical edition of The Lion King made its debut in July of 1997, though it continues to be popular even to this day. As a matter of fact, it is Broadway’s third longest-running show of all time and has made more than a billion dollars worldwide.
Still, even if you haven’t seen the musical in person, you don’t need to have to appreciate the video we’re showing you today.

Though it goes without saying, the cast of these major plays often need to travel all over the world to perform.
Still, doing all that jet-setting can get a little bit exhausting, and sometimes the cast just wants to blow off a little steam. Well, that’s exactly what they did on a flight home from Brisbane, Australia after doing a show back in 2014. And just how did they do that, you might be asking? By singing the musical numbers from the show on the plane, of course!
Right as the video begins, the cast wastes no time getting right into it.

From the very beginning, the cast calls out the Zulu chanting from the beginning of the show and the movie.
Although their voices are incredible, it’s important to remember that they’re still on a standard commercial flight—and bystanders are still boarding while all this is going on!

Regardless, the cast are completely undeterred and they keep singing louder and louder. Eventually, they’re chanting and clapping along with the music even as the stewardesses seem to try to quiet them down!
Before long, the entire plane is getting into it as well!

After a long build-up, the familiar melody to “Circle of Life” rings out throughout the cabin.
By this point in the song, the melodies are even more complex and beautiful. Although they were all making a ton of noise on the plane, once the song is over, the whole cabin gives them a huge round of applause! When that’s over, the stewardess gets on the intercom to announce what has just happened:
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just been treated to a beautiful song from the cast of the Lion King.”

Since it was posted on the internet, the video has been viewed some 46 million times!
After watching it, it’s definitely not hard to see why! Even if it’s a bit unusual for a bunch of passengers to start belting out music on a commercial airline, their voices were so amazing that nobody could complain. After watching this performance, we’re jealous of anyone who has seen the real thing on Broadway!

Congratulations to the cast for this incredible viral moment! Watch the full thing in the clip below:
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