Even if you don’t know much about the Bee Gees, you’ll have heard of “Night Fever”. This classic hit is still a disco favorite today, and the accompanying finger-pointing dance is easy enough for anyone to get the hang of.
It’s hard to believe that the track was released in 1978, considering nearly 25 years later, it still has a big place in the music world. Head over to YouTube and you’ll find hundreds of remixes, remakes, and cover versions of the hit.
There are plenty of choreographed “Night Fever” dances, but not one as good as this.

The dance was performed by a group of line dancers known as Young Hearts Rome.
This is a pretty unsuspecting bunch of people.

In fact, when the video begins, you wonder whether a man with a camera has come across a group of strangers and asked them to dance with him.
But when the familiar “Night Fever” opening verse kicks in, the group begins to dance.
And they’ve got the moves.

There’s nothing too crazy here – just a simple choreographed performance. But everyone’s dressed in their best gear, and they’ve all got big smiles on their faces, which makes the clip so infectious.
You can’t help but smile as you watch the group spin, clap, wiggle, and have a great time.
It’s a dance that everyone can learn simply by watching the video on repeat.

And with more than 3 million views, it looks like many people did just that.
Plenty of people in the comments thanked the dance tribe for sharing the video, with many reminiscing about the 70s, when life was admittedly a lot easier!

If you do decide to give this dance ago, your mind and body will love you for it.
According to research, dancing is one of the best activities for boosting mental and physical health.

In older people, dancing can help prevent falls, improve posture, sharpen the mind, and increase flexibility.
Generally, dancing is considered a fantastic mood-booster. It can ease anxiety and build social bonds. Physically, it can increase your aerobic power and reduce pain and stiffness. In other words, it’s well worth doing.
This performance is proof that bigger and brasher isn’t always better.

No, none of the ladies or men in this video can do high-kicks, splits, or dangerous stunts, but their dance is still beautifully choreographed – and it looks like a lot of fun to learn.
Can you imagine “Night Fever” being the back track to some of the OTT dancing we see a lot of nowadays, anyway?
We think this style of dancing is far better suited to the disco hit.

If you love the positive vibes from this dance tribe, why not see if there’s a line dancing class near you?
It’s a great way to get moving to some catchy music, and you don’t necessarily have to be a good dancer to join in. As long as you can follow the simple steps, you’ll fit right in.
You can watch the full video of this fantastic “Night Fever” dance below!
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