If you’ve never had a chance to line dance, this video might be your sign to go! It’s super easy and pretty much anyone can learn it.
On top of that, it’s a great workout that isn’t boring!
A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows, all facing either each other or in the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Unlike circle dancing, line dancers are not in physical contact with each other. – Wikipedia

If you needed any convincing on how fun line dancing can be, you should check out this video.

Most of us think of line dancing in relationship to country music and that’s usually true. Although anything can be turned into a line dance, it’s often practiced at Cowboy bars and dance floors around the world.
It started in America, but as we will see, people all over are into line dancing!
David Villellas is a line dancing choreographer who brought his group to a competition.

The competition, known as the International Festival of Country Music (translated), is where groups get together to show off their blue-jean wearing, hat-tipping style!
At the show, Villellas’ group was clearly a step above and ended up going viral with how fun their performance was.
The opening song? Footloose!

The entire team was dressed in their cowboy attire, too. What is line dancing without matching red flannels and blue jeans?
As Footloose played over the speakers, the group spun and stomped around as what looks like hundreds of people watched!
Then, the song transitioned into a bit more of a country song.

As “the song of the south” played, it was clear the cowgirls and boys were in their element.
A twangy female voice plays out and the team looks totally in their element. Maybe it’s true that wearing a cowboy hat increases your line dancing skill by 100%?
They stomp and dance around like they own the place.

One of the most fun things about their style of dancing is how smooth is it. It’s not overtly crazy or too much to watch, it’s simple choreography and moves that translates to a good time whether you win or lose.
There’s just something about a fiddle that makes you want to dance!
For their final song, they start clapping and get back into positions.

The fastest of the three songs played and the dancers all went into their final song with excitement.
Grabbing their belts and smiling, they danced around as another twangy female voice sang her ballad out over the speakers, reminding us of beer, trucks, and boyfriends!
As the song finished, the group struck a pose, satisfied with their performance!

Holding their hats and striking a pose, it’s clear that they were happy with their performance!
The great thing about line dancing? You don’t really do it to win, you do it for fun.
The crazy part is that this little video turned into a viral hit with over 2 million views!
Check it out the fun for yourself in the video below!
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