Of all the many reality competition shows that are out there in the world, The Voice is one of the most consistently entertaining.
Unlike other shows such as American Idol, some of the special rules behind the show keep it surprising every episode. The way the show works is that contestants come out onstage to perform for a panel of judges in a “blind audition.”

This means that as they sing, the judges have their backs turned and can’t see the performers. If they like what they hear, they can hit their buzzers to turn around and compete for the singer.
That’s because the contestants and the judges compete with one another to win each season.

The performance we’re talking about today comes from The Voice UK in its 2013 season.
Like any other show, it begins with contestant Liam Tamne walking out onstage. A moment later, the backing music starts playing. The song Tamne chooses to sing is “This Woman’s Work” by Kate Bush, an iconoclastic musician from the late 1970s and ‘80s.

Although the song is originally about women and sung by a woman, Tamne is still confident in taking it on and conveying all the emotion to the judges.
And from the very first notes, he has everyone perking up in their chairs!

Although the song is so high, he still manages to completely nail it!
After just a moment or two, the judges are exchanging interested looks with one another. Before long, he has two of the judges smashing their buzzers to compete for him.

Although the song is definitely an unorthodox choice, he keeps getting better and better. Halfway through the performance, want of the judges says to herself that she needs a little more power in the voice.
Still, the last two judges are holding out.

A moment later, Tamne hits a particularly high note—and he gets another buzzer!
Towards the very end, the only remaining holdout is judge Tom Jones. At the very end, Tamne hits one last long, sustaining note that flutters down to end the song.

At the absolute last second, Jones hits his buzzer as well giving Tamne a full four-chair turn! Right as the chair swivels around, Tamne’s family and friends backstage are jumping up and down with joy that he’s managed to pull it all off.
Although this performance was definitely a bit idiosyncratic, he completely nailed it anyway!

Since the clip was uploaded, it has been viewed on YouTube about nine million times!
As everyone who watches these shows knows by now, the song that you choose to perform is often just as important as the actual performance of it. Needless to say, this one knocked it out of the park.

While plenty of artists sing recognizable pop ballads from recent times to show that they’re marketable and that their voice has dynamic range, choosing something outside of that range can help you standout as well. In Tamne’s case, that strategy definitely paid off!
Congratulations to Liam Tamne on an amazing audition! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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