Keith Urban decided to call up on stage with him a young girl with an amazing voice to sing with him.
Not only did she impress Keith Urban himself, but everyone else in the crowd too.

The famous singer explains that they normally call one person on stage- and, as we can gather from his words, they have already brought one person on stage earlier. However, this time is different since they decided to call one more person, Lauren Spencer-Smith.
And she gave everyone a night to remember.

“It was two people,” Keith Urban said before introducing Lauren, “I really loved, and I wanted them both to come in and sing tonight. Particularly this next girl that she’s got an amazing little voice and she’s only eleven.”

Lauren was only 11-years-old, despite her young age, she got on stage full of confidence.
When Urban announced her, the audience started cheering and clapping. Now, for a girl her age, this looks like an overwhelming experience, but Lauren seemed quite cool with all these reactions.

Then the singer asked her where she’s from and what school she goes to, and then he says she is going to sing a song, and encourages the audience to join in if they know the song. This is a common practice among singers since, this way, they actively engage the audience in their performance.

Urban starts playing the guitar and Lauren starts singing “Make you feel my love” by Adele and Bob Dylan. Even from the first verse, the audience gets excited with the girl’s exceptional voice.

The most impressive thing is that Lauren doesn’t look shy or intimidated by the fact that she’s singing next to a world-famous singer in front of more than 20,000 people. And, really, hats off for that!
The video has been viewed almost 4 million times and received 24 thousand upvotes.

People in the comments not only praise the girl’s beautiful voice, but also Urban’s decision to promote young talent.

“11 years old! This girls going to be a superstar, I guarantee it,” someone wrote. Another user commented about Urban: “I really think Keith Urban is one of the real people in the country music business, he shows his feelings and sings them also. The chance he gave this young girl (who by the way is quite good) shows the man he is.”
Today, Lauren Spencer-Smith is a 16-year-old girl who still loves music and is pursuing a career in the music industry.

She has her own manager and her own website, where she shares with fans details about where she has sung so far or where she’s headed to next. The teenager has also released two singles so far in 2019 and she will be releasing the third one in March this year.

Lauren’s story is an example that if you truly love and are passionate about something, you will eventually make it. It is also a reminder to all stars out there that helping talented young people only makes them look cooler in the eyes of their fans. Plus it also gives the chance to those people to fight for their dreams.
Watch her sing with Keith Urban below, what a talent she is!
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