Little Lara was oozing with confidence as she took to the stage on The Voice Kids for her rendition of Taylor Swift’s “Shake it off”.
But the little lady broke down once the judges spun on their seats.
And for fans of the show, they’ll tell you that it’s a good thing to see the judges hit that big red button and spin.

This eleven year old singer is from the Czech Republic but her personality encompasses all of Europe.
Lara in leather came out pumping the audience for her energetic performance.
Isn’t she just adorable?

Taylor Swift’s song was written in response to her haters.
On her official YouTube channel, Swift even said that, “I’ve learned a pretty tough lesson that people can say whatever they want about us at any time, and we cannot control that. The only thing we can control is our reaction to that.”
Then during an interview with Rolling Stone, Swift said “I’ve had every part of my life dissected — my choices, my actions, my words, my body, my style, my music. When you live your life under that kind of scrutiny, you can either let it break you, or you can get really good at dodging punches. And when one lands, you know how to deal with it. And I guess the way that I deal with it is to shake it off.”

It’s such a catchy dance-pop song that even if you can’t relate to the lyrics, you’d bop your head along to the melody.
Little Lara probably doesn’t need the song’s meaning in her life yet, but with confidence like that, the haters and keyboard warriors will inevitably find ways to get to her.
All she has to do is shake them off. Besides, the judges spun on their seats!

And when they did, Lara broke off, choking back tears as she tried to sing the last part.
The judges, upon realizing that it was a kid, soon began encouraging her and even singing along with Lara.
Really sweet of them!

Lara made her way all the way to Germany with her family.
She’s been singing since eight, taking lessons to train and polish her young voice.
For an eleven year old, she’s got a great sound!

It’s impressive enough to see a contestant take a chance and sing on stage.
But an eleven year old kid who traveled for that chance is something else!

Lara goes on to say that she really had a lot of fun singing the song with the judges.
They actually asked to sing the last part again with her.
The part where she choked up as they spun on their seats.
Her family looks on from backstage, half smiling and crying seeing their little girl converse with the judges.

Little Lara is a confident one!
Give her a few years. She’ll be a name you’re going to have on that playlist. Don’t shake her off just yet!
Watch Lara’s bubbly audition below- not only is her voice great, she is adorable!
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