On the most recent episode of Celebrity Family Feud, Kim Kardashian West’s two families battled it out.
It was the Kardashian clan versus the West family! And of course, Kim went up against her sisters, mother, and grandma, to compete with her husband.
Unlike on a regular episode of Family Feud, the players didn’t need to wear name tags for this one.

Apparently, the families came onto Celebrity Family Feud because they are all huge fans.
Playing for the West family is Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West, Kanye’s cousin Kim Wallace, his cousin Jalil, and his cousin Ricky.
Playing for the Kardashian family is Kris Jenner, her mother Mary Jo, Khloé Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, their cousin Cici Bussey, and the family’s #1 BFF Jonathan Cheban.
One of the questions on the show had the players smiling and laughing as soon as they heard it.
Steve asked, “if you had a wild party, and everyone was naked, who would you hate to see show up?”

With mom/dad already on the board, Kendall Jenner decided to give a different answer to see if it would be up there. She said, Donald Trump!
Sure enough, the top answer was “a celeb” and that counted!
The other Kim on the West team was asked “name a reason you think Steve Harvey’s a good kisser?”
To which she replied that he had a sexy bald head! As if hair or no hair actually has any impact on kissing skills.

Steve had a classic response and asked her to say it again, which Kim indulged him with. She even repeated a third time, which had the audience near tears from laughing so hard.
Bald head wasn’t specifically on the board, but “he’s sexy” was and the West family earned 12 points for her response.
After Kim earned those 12 points, it all came down to Kanye. The West family had two strikes against them.
He needed to answer the same question about Steve Harvey being a good kisser and surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) Kanye had a good answer.

He said, “The mustache, Steve!”
The audience roared with approval and Steve agreed, saying that it was a real thing and that his mustache could do some things.
Apparently, Steve has learned how to work his mustache! As much as Steve liked the answer, it was not up on the board and the Kardashian family got a chance to steal.
At the end of it all, the Kardashian family beat the West family and made it to the Fast Money round. But for the first time in Family Feud history, the winning team let the losing team play Fast Money.
Kim and Kanye had their hearts set on playing Fast Money so bad, that Kim’s younger sisters let her get the chance since both families had planned to donate to the same charity, Children’s Hospital LA.

Kim went first for the team and Steve asked her five tough questions, like “on a scale of 1-10, how sexy are you compared to the people you work with?” Which Kim obviously answered with a 10!
You can see just how well Kim and Kanye did in their Fast Money round below and if they won the $25,000 for their chosen charity or not in the video below.
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