Kenny Rogers is one of the most influential country music stars in history. This past March, Rogers passed away in his home due to natural causes. After his death, country superstar Keith Urban did a beautiful tribute from his home studio that honored the trailblazing artist.
Keith Urban Never disappoints!

Three days after Kenny Rodgers’ death, Keith Urban did an awesome cover of his song “The Gambler”
Kenny Rodgers was a man of many talents, the singer/songwriter, actor, record producer, and entrepreneur knew no limits. He was inducted in The Country Hall of Fame in 2013 and sold more than 100 million records worldwide.

It’s no surprise that Rogers’s death hit people in the music industry hard, musicians who were inspired by the legend began doing tributes. Keith Urban posted a special performance of “The Gambler” to YouTube, in honor of his friend. Right from the start, you can tell it’s going to be good, Urban lets his unique vocals take over.

Urban one-of-a-kind voice is perfect for the classic song
As Urban sings the song, you can hear the passion in his voice as he sings for country music icon who will never be forgotten. He flawlessly plays his acoustic guitar and sings the well-known lyrics to “The Gambler.”

Kenny Rogers would be proud, who better to sing one of his hit songs than another country music all-time great. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Urban gets a surprise visitor in the studio.
25 seconds into the video, Nicole Kidman joins her husband in the studio to watch him sing and play

Kidman totally lights up when she watches her husband sing, as soon as she enters the studio she’s got a smile from ear-to-ear the entire time. It’s like he’s got his own personal cheerleader, she bops her head while her husband continues to play the Kenny Rogers hit.

“The Gambler” was released by Rogers in 1978 and even won his a Grammy Award for Best Male Vocal Performance in 1980. It was written by Don Schiltz and was recorded by several other artists before the version by Rogers really took off.

As it gets closer to the end, Urban lets his vocals fly to another level and it’s super impressive
Urban picks it up a notch as he gets toward the end of the song, which prompts Nicole Kidman to wave her hands before she can’t help but get up and dance a little bit before she walks out of camera view.

Even though she’s not in view anymore, you can hear Kidman singing along to the song as her husband puts the finishing touches on the spectacular performance.
At the very end of the video, Nicole Kidman dances her way back into the view as Keith Urban finishes the song

The performance was posted to Urban’s YouTube channel with over 1.1 million followers, where it got over 200,000 views in just a few months. It doesn’t hurt when you have the star power in a wife like Nicole Kidman, but then again he’s Keith Urban!

Keith Urban is such a talented artist, which makes him perfect to cover the timeless work of a Hall of Famer like Kenny Rogers. To see Urban play the touching tribute of “The Gambler,” watch the video below!
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