Do you have a favorite show on television?
Some of us may like to come home after a long day’s work and sit down in front of some kind of crime procedural—a Law and Order show, for example. For other people, it’s all about soap operas, whereas others like only prestige television.

Still, one genre of television that seems to connect perhaps the most people is reality TV. More specifically, it tends to be reality competition shows that find talented people and expose them to the world.
Of these shows, our personal favorite has got to be The Voice.

For anyone who doesn’t know, The Voice is an international franchise that started in Holland.
It all began in 2011, though it has since spread all around the world. Today, dozens of different countries and regions have their own versions of the show—and there are even sub-categories within those categories as well.

As just one example, the performance we’re talking about today comes from the 2014 season of The Voice Kids Australia. Like any other show, it begins with the contestant walking out on stage to do a “blind audition.”
After just a moment, the backing music for Katy Perry’s “Roar” starts playing and the performance begins.

The little girl singing is Olivia, and she’s only 10 years old.
From the very beginning, it’s clear that Olivia knows the song well—and she perfectly captures Perry’s bubbly delivery.

Even though she’s young and her voice is a little green, she still manages to hit all the notes and to have the crowd on her side in just seconds. By the time she hits the chorus, her voice is soaring and she sounds so adorable.
A moment later, she gets her first yes from the judges!

When the song gets to the part about roaring, little Olivia even lets out her own roar—and all the judges laugh with her.
By this point, the judges get out of their chairs and start dancing. The whole crowd is clapping along as Olivia gets her second yes from the judges… and her third!

Although it’s impressive that she got all the judges to turn, what’s even more impressive is the very end. Before the song is over, she stretches her voice even higher to end with some serious emphasis.
When it’s all over, the crowd gives her a huge round of applause!

Though there are plenty of clips of performances from the show that have gotten popular on the internet, this one has a whopping 85 million on YouTube!
After watching this performance, it’s easy to see why little Olivia has captured the world’s imagination. Even though she’s so young and the song she chose to sing was so big, she still sung it with full confidence—and with her own personality put into it as well!

The best thing about shows like this is that they allow young, talented people a platform to explore their gifts and to get discovered. Needless to say, we’re sure we’re going to be seeing more of Olivia in the future.
Congratulations to Olivia on her awesome performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in link below:
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