Growing up in my house was always made interesting by Josh Groban. That’s because my mom would routinely put on his album, and by the time he got to the big finish of “Vincent (Starry Starry Night)” she would be in tears at how beautiful his voice was, and by how sincerely he sung it. So needless to say I have somewhat of a Pavlovian response to Groban’s voice which is to find the nearest box of tissues. He really is a shining talent in his genre, and all it takes is a quick glance through the comments section of any Josh Groban video to see that my mother is only one of many to regularly have their tear ducts activated by him.
When he covers songs, he brings his own vocal gravitas.

Especially when the songs are already beautiful and heart warming.
In this video he performs his rendition of Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel. It’s a track known for its heartfelt and poetic lyrics. Written by Paul Simon and traditionally sung by Art Garfunkel, the song is about being there for friends and family in times of need. So what happens when Josh Groban embraces the song?

You get a rendition that could make a stadium cry.
He performs with Rock Choir and the BBC Concert Orchestra in Hyde Park as part of Last Night of the Proms Celebrations for BBC Radio 2. That’s one big crowd, not even counting the hundreds of thousands of views online.

He’s come a long way since his young emergence.
But his voice has only refined over time. He may now wear a beard and glasses, signifying a more mature Groban, but he is as graceful in his performance as ever. That’s is fair considering he started off as a full package since his debut in 2001.

And the Rock Choir are fantastic too.
Well the name Rock Choir might lead you to expect a group singing ACDC tracks, but they can certainly handle a track by Simon and Garfunkel. They echo Groban through some of the verses and add an almost gospel feeling to the show. All together, they add yet another level of energy to this already powerful performance.

Not to mention the Orchestra!
Between the Rock Choir and Groban’s fantastic vocal, what could make this rendition better? Well, watching the video the answer is obvious; a world-class British orchestra pulling (or playing) all the strings!

And here we go… Groban brings the big finish!
As the song swells toward the end, Josh Groban pulls out all the stops and raises the heavens with his larger than life voice. He is able to provide such power, yet remain silky smooth. Groban really is a one-of-a-kind talent, and is arguably at the top of his game now.

So I may send this song to my mum, but I will certainly have to warn her to have the box of tissues ready, because Groban’s voice is as moving as ever.
Watch the full video below to enjoy Groban’s heavenly rendition of a beautiful song!
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