His name is Jørgen Dahl Moe and yes, he owns that syrupy, romantic voice you are about to hear.
This young singer grew up in Andebu outside Sandefjord.
Moe started singing and writing songs at a very young age, and has been playing guitar since he was five. He’s only 25 by the way.

The Voice Norway got to experience Moe’s talents this night as he played his guitar while singing “Always on my mind”.
Moe took music, dance and drama classes at Sandefjord upper secondary school, while also receiving singing lessons from singing teacher Kristin Vold Nese at the same time.
He was very much active as a football player in the local club Andebu football.

All this while Moe kept on performing at local concerts and festivals while writing his own music.
A man named Wayne Carson wrote the song in 1971.
He got some help from friends after he got the inspiration from his wife who got mad over the phone since he had been away for some time.

And while a lot of people credit the song to Elvis, Carson replied saying it was not written for Presley but for every man.
The song, “was one long apology. It’s sort of like all guys who screw up and would love nothing better than to pick up the phone and call their wives and say, ‘Listen, honey, I could have done better, but I want you to know that you were always on my mind.'” he says.
But let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, gentlemen.

Elvis recorded his version of “Always on my mind” on March 29, 1972, just a few weeks after his separation from his wife Priscilla.
It’s proven to be a timeless ballad, one covered by so many artists from the seventies to this day.
Now there’s a 25-year-old Norwegian who has put his own spin on the classic.

Moe doesn’t stray too far from the original, keeping the melody and the somber tone while singing it in his own unique style.

In fact he is so brilliant with this cover that a viewer left a comment saying,
“Two and a half minutes of pure tenderness. No offense to the king, Elvis covered this song very well, and props to the writers, but the classic version of this song belongs to Willie Nelson, and Jorgen killed it in a similar minimalist style. Of course the vocals, but then……the GUITAR. Transcendent. He is beyond brilliant.”
You bet he is!

The best part is that Moe did win this season of The Voice.
It would have been a terrible insult if he hadn’t, after all, it’s not everyday we get to witness talent like this.

It takes a lot of skill to play the guitar so cleanly while maintaining such a beautiful voice all throughout a performance.
Moe will really have you playing this on repeat.
And to be honest, it’s a nice song to sing along with. Expect to hear more from Moe in the coming years!
Watch and listen to this Norwegian wonder below!
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