Moms are the best people in the world, am I right?
They are basically like superheroes. They can get everything their children need to be done and they do it with no sleep (for like 18 years). If you asked anyone to do that for work, they’d ask for a million bucks!
I could be biased because my mother is amazing and there is no mom in the world better than her. Seriously, she deserves an award for having two crazy daughters and one even crazier granddaughter!
But every child knows that their mom has “mom-isms,” which means they either do or say something that isn’t actually normal. Or they don’t understand social media or all of the above!
My mom currently doesn’t understand that what she sees on Facebook is not what I see on Facebook, no matter how many times I explain to her how the platform’s algorithm works!
Well, late night TV host Jimmy Fallon knows that moms around the world have these moments.
Right before Mother’s Day this year, he asked his fans to send him “mom quotes” on Twitter about things that only their mom says. #MomQuotes easily the best thing to ever exist on the social media platform.
A segment that Jimmy does on The Tonight Show is the #Hashtags segment, where he asks fans to write in on Twitter after his Wednesday night program and the next day, on Thursday night, he reads his favorite ones.
Tweets poured in from around the world and the things that moms do and say in front of their children are incredible. Honestly, with all these tweets, Jimmy should consider compiling it into a book.
The first tweet that Jimmy read was from @victoria_pike, who said:
“Yesterday my mom ordered a “Tai Chi” Latte from Starbucks #MomQuotes”
In case you’re not a Starbucks drinker, this mom definitely meant Chai Latte. Unless the chain started making internal Chinese martial arts drinks since the last time I went there, it has been a little while!
The next tweet was from @_itsLJ_, which said:
“When my mom would drive us kids around, she would break really hard to make us lean forward and say, “Bow to mom.” #MomQuotes”
Another tweet, from @simpoevsky, said:
“My mom made up her own saying in the 90’s: “Talk to the palm, cause you aint the mom” #MomQuotes”
I’m not showing my mom that one, because I plan to steal it and use it on my own children. I can already see them cringing when I say it!
These tweets are so hysterical, Jimmy can barely get through reading each one without cracking up. He even has to take a break to just laugh after reading his favorite ones!
You can see all of the best #MomQuotes in the video below! Which mom hashtag was your favorite? I love the “bow to mom” one.
I cannot wait to show this to my mom, she’ll get a kick out of it – and probably start using some of these herself!
Please SHARE this with your all of your mom friends and everyone in your family on Facebook today.