With so many musical audition shows out on television, it can be hard to decide which one to dedicate your time to.
Although they all offer great performances from undiscovered talent, each one has a twist of its own. While American Idol and America’s Got Talent are pretty straightforward shows that pit contestants against one another, The Voice is just a little bit different. On that one, the contestants do compete with one another—but the judges do as well.
Still, all of this is a roundabout way of saying that part of the reason we watch these shows is for the judges.

As proof of this, the judges on The Voice often get riled up and end up doing some performing of their own.
On one episode of The Voice UK, there was a moment of downtime after the first round of blind auditions. To fill the air, the producers start playing the instrumental of “Never Loved A Man” by Aretha Franklin over the loudspeakers. Almost immediately, judge Jennifer Hudson takes notice. “Oh, this is my song,” she says.
Shortly after that, Hudson is setting off into her own passionate rendition of it.

Because the song is set up as a kind of conversation, she starts directing some of the harsh lyrics at the other judges!
It starts with Hudson singing at Tom Jones that he’s a liar and a cheat. After that, she turns to judge will.i.am and tells him that he’s no good.

Still, the energy of the performance is contagious and the other judges are starting to get a little bit into it. After another moment, Hudson’s voice soars and she stands up in her chair.
By this point, Jones is looking a little bit taken aback by all the passion in her voice.

Before long, Jones is finding himself giving responses to Hudson as she sings at him.
Although it starts off small, their back and forth keeps escalating and getting steamier and steamier. Eventually, even Jones is shouting out lyrics and he and Hudson are doing a call and response!

By this point in the song, the crowd is laughing and cheering along with the judges. After a while, they’re even making up new lyrics to the song and joking with one another as the crowd is cracking up around them.
After a minute, it’s time for Hudson to hit the grand finale—and she does so with power and style.

If there’s one thing that this performance proves, it’s that the judges on these reality shows are often just as important as the contestants that they get!
Ok, maybe that’s a little bit of an overstatement—but still, there’s no accounting for the power and the passion of a voice like Hudson’s. Similarly, although Tom Jones has been in the music industry for years and years, he continually proves himself to be just as young at heart as he’s ever been… and just as seductive in his vocal stylings.

We can only imagine how much fun the audience must have at the live tapings of these shows if this is what always happens during the break!
Special thanks to Jennifer Hudson and Tom Jones for giving us such a great between-the-scenes moment! Check out the full clip below:
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