Though there are plenty of musical competition shows out there, few offer as many twists and turns as The Voice does.
For those who don’t know, The Voice is an international franchise with shows in markets all around the world. Most of us are probably familiar with the American version, but the format is the same across all the shows.

In each one, contestants come out onstage to do a blind audition before a panel of judges. If the judges like what they hear, they can hit their buzzers to turn around and compete for the singer to join their team.
Unlike other similar shows, The Voice has the judges compete with each other to win the show as vocal coaches as well.

Needless to say, a big part of the show’s appeal is the judges’ personality as well as the singers’ talent.
Because the show is a franchise, sometimes the judges can switch between shows as well.

One of the judges to do this is one-time American Idol contestant Jennifer Hudson, though Hudson has since gone on to become a wildly successful singer and performer in her own right. To date, she’s won an Oscar for her role in Dreamgirls and has won a Grammy for Best R&B album.
She also was a judge on the American and British versions of The Voice.

As long-time fans of the show may know, sometimes the judges need to do something to keep the crowd entertained in between takes.
To that end, the judges sometimes do performances of their own… if they’re pressed to do so for long enough! That was the case for Hudson on one episode of The Voice UK from 2019.

As the clip begins, someone shouts out that Hudson ought to sing a song. Immediately, she looks like she’s caught a little off guard by this. For his part, her fellow judge gets out of his chair to get a better look at her—he wants a “front row seat!”
Although she’s a little flustered, Hudson says that she would love to sing “The Impossible Dream.”

With that said, the piano player immediately starts playing her some backup music.
After a moment, Hudson gets in tune and locks into the melody. From the very first notes, the crowd gives her a huge round of applause—they even get on their feet and give her a standing ovation!

For anyone who doesn’t already know, Hudson is one of the most incredible living vocalists and she definitely proves it with this performance. Although it starts off slow and tentative, by the end she’s absolutely belting out the lyrics and the crowd is thrilled.
But it’s not just the crowd that’s into it—even the judges look stunned!

For the grand finale, Hudson gets out of her chair and walks to the middle of the stage to hit the last huge high note.
She sings it perfectly and the note sails, reverberating off the rafters. When it’s finally over, the crowd gives her yet another huge round of applause.

The clip has earned millions of views on YouTube and it stands as a reminder of why people love The Voice so much. While there are plenty of singing competition shows, few have the contagious spirit that this one does—and none of them offer spontaneous performances from Jennifer Hudson!
Congratulations to Jennifer Hudson on yet another amazing performance! Be sure to watch the entire thing in the link below:
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