This little boy is a dancing man. What he does not know, but quickly finds out, is that great dance moves bring the ladies. In this case, brings the little girls. Girls have always loved a man that dances. It is no different from a man dancing in his thirties or a boy dancing at a young age, the girls and women will follow.
He is about to learn about the high drama that comes when two girls have their eyes set on him.

This young man was just dancing and minding his own business, but unknowing to him two little girls were eying him.
One little girl was on the empty dance floor behind him and the other was off camera. Which little girl was going to make the first move? When it comes to competition there always is one person that needs to break the ice and just go for it.

The adorable little girl off camera is the one that runs to him first. She skips over with her hands out and is ready to dance. This little man is a gentleman and readily accepted her hands and they started to dance. They are happily dancing for a few seconds and that is as long as it takes for the second girl to notice.
She is not happy about the situation at all and is about to make that very clear.

She watches for a bit but soon turns on the waterworks.
This is one little girl that is not going to stand idly by and watch these two dance together. She knows what she wants and is about to take some action! She is not about to hide her jealousy at all and breaks up the dance between the two. The first little girl looks stunned but does not put on a fight.

It is almost as these three are recreating the famous scene from the movie “Grease,” when Cha Cha steals away Danny Zuko from Sandy at the dance.
She just had one problem, this little man is not Danny Zuko. He is not just going to start dancing with the new girl. He is not happy at all that she shooed away the first girl. Instead of dancing with her, he puts his hands on his hips and just stares disapprovingly at her.

For a quick second it looks as if he is going to give in and dance with her, but as quickly as that thought came, it left just as quickly.
He is not interested in any love triangle between two girls and instead does what he does best, he dances solo.

He is one smart boy because he just wants to dance and not be involved in drama.

The cute little girl was hoping she would get her dance, but instead has to leave the dance floor in tears. It’s okay girl, it will not be the last dance to end in tears. We have all been there too, you just got a head start.
As she leaves the dance floor in tears, the little boy just keeps dancing away.
He did not come for drama, he came to dance.

Many have left comments on the funny video. Such as,
“She didn’t want to dance with the kid until she saw him with another girl. Things don’t change much as you get older.”
“He’s breaking the girl’s hearts already. Watch out for that young man :-)”
Watch the hilarious drama unfold in video below.
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