16 Ice skaters stand in formation at championship for complex routine that takes home the win
These girls are unbelievably talented.
Ma Fatima Garcia

“Skating can make you feel athletic, graceful, beautiful.” – Gracie Gold

When we hear the word skating, we think about ice, balance control, and gracefulness.

For all those who have tried skating, you know very well how hard it is for beginners. As soon as you step into the skating rink, you’ll probably lose your balance.

Pexels / Thomas Laukat
Pexels / Thomas Laukat

It does take a while to learn how to balance. You can compare it to a baby learning to walk for the first time.

Once you get the hang of it, you start trying to enjoy the feeling inside the skating rink. It would even work best if you are listening to music while you are skating.

For some, skating is a sport, a passion that they pursue.

Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko
Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

When we watch free skating routines, we can’t help but admire the gracefulness of the performers. Aside from remembering the steps, you also need to make sure that you stay on the ice and retain your balance and posture.

One wrong move and the performance would already fail.

Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko
Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

Can you imagine a group of 16 skaters completing a complex free skating routine?

For all those who want to know what free skating means, it’s actually a freestyle competition where the participants can perform an original routine consisting of spins, jumps, sequences, etc., to their chosen music.

Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot
Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot

Meet Team Surprise

In the skating world, Team Surprise never fails to surprise their audience.

In their bio, it’s written that they are:

“The National Team of Sweden in Synchronized Skating. Team Surprise has been skating since 1985.”

Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot
Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot

What sets them apart is their pretty impressive choreography.

This viral video of Team Surprise from 2012 shows one of their routines from the World Championships.

Their performance lasted around five minutes, and can you imagine perfecting a dance routine that long? We can only imagine how long they had to practice to perfect each spin, jump, and formation.

Practicing a dance number of a group of 4 is already tiring. Can you imagine doing it for a group of 16 members?

No wonder they chose their name. Their love and passion for skating definitely require them to focus on their years of practice and diligence.

Also, patience is another key in perfecting such an elaborate routine.

This particular performance contained so many amazing factors.

Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot
Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot

Music choices and colorful costumes

As each skater stepped onto the ice rink, you’d notice that they are wearing a black outfit with an accent color. Each dancer chose the color they liked from orange, pink, yellow, green, and purple. They looked like beautiful butterflies.

Their music choices were playful. From upbeat to classical, they aim to excite and entice the audience with their versatility. They have succeeded, of course.

Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot
Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot

We can’t get over how Team Surprise captivated the audience with their amazing synchronization and transition. A five-minute skating dance routine required them to memorize dozens of steps and formations – and all of them were able to do everything smoothly.

If you imagine yourself at that moment, in that rink, you would probably feel nervous, and it’s so hard to stay focused and alert with all your 16 co-dancers.

Now we understand why they are the best of the best.

Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot
Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot

The impressive routine – the labor of love and passion

This team of amazing skaters didn’t even stop mid-performance to rest. Every dance transition was fast and smooth.

These ladies have the talent, the patience, and the passion for skating. Once again, Team Surprise has proven that they are the best in this field because, truly, ice skating is not for everyone.

Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot
Britta Gericke / YouTube Screenshot

Team Surprise – the legacy

Unfortunately, Team Surprise, the oldest and the best in the field of synchronized skating team announced that they have decided to end their legacy of more than 35 years in history.

In the statement that they made to Skate Sweden:

“From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank Team Surprise and Andrea Dohány for these many years and an unforgettable legacy.”

Their legacy will live on in history. It’s such sad news to know that this amazing group has now parted ways, but their memories will continue to inspire us.

Watch their winning performance below!

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