Everyone remembers what it’s like to be a kid on Christmas Eve. It’s one of the most exciting nights of the year, waiting for Santa to come by the house and put all of the presents underneath the tree.
Every family does things a little bit differently, but that’s what makes the memories so cherished. Some families leave out some carrots for the reindeer, while others make it a whole affair to bake and decorate the sugar cookies to leave out on a platter with a side of milk.
Then, waking up on Christmas morning brings a whole new wave of excitement. Finding the milk and cookies all nibbled up and the heaping pile of presents underneath the tree is what kids look forward to the whole year long.
The song “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town” bottles up all of those childhood memories into one very holly jolly song that everyone can sing along to.
It’s one of the most theatrical Christmas songs, which is great for those who like to take their holiday spirit to the max! Flashing lights, blow up lawn Santas, candles in the window – the whole nine yards!

Human Nature, the beloved Australian Motown group, does quite the rendition of this holiday favorite. They’ve also done a really nice version of “White Christmas,” while wearing some dashing red suits. This one, though, has a slightly different kind of flair to it.
There’s nothing understated here! No snow-covered stone is left unturned. These guys are true professionals through and through, nailing every little coordinated movement as if it were, well, their human nature! They’ve simply got a way of making it look and sound so easy, which always makes them such a joy to watch!

This song was first played over the radio in 1934, and afterward, it sold more than 30,000 records in just 24 hours. In that time, that was a huge accomplishment! It just goes to show that people of all generations can always use a little bit of upbeat holiday cheer during these colder months.

Human Nature really does this number some justice. They’re not afraid to camp it up, and when they bring in a bunch of children dressed in their Sunday’s best to enjoy the giant presents displayed underneath the Christmas tree, you can’t help but smile and remember all of your own childhood memories!

What’s your favorite Christmas memory?
All of mine from childhood involve soft pajamas and a living room strewn with wrapping paper, the whole scene totally demolish before 9 am.
No matter who you are, I’ll guarantee that this little number puts a big smile on your face! The YouTube commenters sure liked it, with one saying,
“I absolutely love watching and listening to these men! They are just great!”
What are you going to do with your family this holiday season? After this video, are some holiday carols in order?
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