Around forty-nine years ago, a man named John Lennon began work on his second solo album. The album shared the same title as a featured song that he felt would not become popular. It was Yoko Ono who had the job of convincing her man that the song would be a hit. This song went on to become Lennon’s best selling single of his short solo career.

Fast forward to today, and who would have imagined (lol) that this song would still be this popular, even having many other artists perform their own versions?
This is the strikingly beautiful Holly Henry.

She has a voice unlike any other in this world. Enchanting, serene, but with an air of mystery to it, Holly has captured the attention of so many people in that her singing seems to inject each song with a life of its own. Listeners have gone so far as to label her voice as that of an “angel”.

Holly’s cover of John Lennon’s “Imagine” is bewitching and captivating.
What looks to be a bedroom with pink walls, set up with a keyboard and microphone plays host to Holly’s talents. Her lovely bleach blonde hair swept back and casually tied revealing her soft features enhanced by a grey top helps add a contrast to the mood of her singing.

Lennon admitted that it was Yoko Ono’s 1964 book Grapefruit that inspired him to write the lyrics. The message is pretty straightforward, and it has resonated with humanity especially when faced with times of trouble.

This video was uploaded back in 2016 but it remains timeless, and nowadays with Covid-19 threatening to change life as it is, Holly’s version echoes across a world that seems to be so scared and uncertain.
Close your eyes and listen.
“You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one”“Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world”

Holly’s range is deceiving.
Her voice is so gentle, soft, and yet when she unleashes a bit of power, it hits you that this young lady is a seriously good singer. She maintains her composure too. Seated and relaxed, just playing the piano, she serenades her viewers much to their delight.
“a beautiful singer, a beautiful voice and a beautiful song”

Who wouldn’t want a better world where all men are equal, sharing its resources for the common good? Who doesn’t want their children to live in a planet where there is so much more love and peace and less of hate and inequality?
“How am I supposed to imagine there’s no heaven when I hear an angel’s voice?”

Well, dear viewer, perhaps there’s a little bit of heaven here on earth and it is up to us to decide how we’ll go about it. Artists like Holly do seem to have gifts that are otherworldly in a sense. And with all the negativity going around, let’s spread a little light of hope and joy like Holly Henry.
This lady from Minnesota speaks through her music. She always captivates her listeners with original compositions and renditions of classic hits. This one though, it’s going to be a favorite for sure.

Close your eyes, click on the video below, and listen to Holly’s rendition of “Imagine”.
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Source: YouTube, Holly Henry