With backs turned, teen choir flips the script for delightfully unforgettable performance
This high school choir performance took an unexpected (and hilarious) turn. 😂
Jake Manning

Imagine a choir performance so moving it could bring you to tears.

Now, flip that script and picture one that has you doubled over in laughter.

That’s exactly the rollercoaster of emotions the Timpanogos High School Choir took their audience on during their final concert.

Dressed to the nines, these teens looked like they were about to deliver a solemn, classical performance.

But oh, how appearances can be deceiving!


The stage was set with male and female vocalists standing in neat rows, facing the audience.

The air was thick with anticipation.

Then, with a snap of her fingers from one of the girls, the choir signaled they were ready to kick things off.

What unfolded next was nothing short of magical—a vocal-only version of Gioachino Rossini’s “William Tell Overture,” originally composed for the 1829 opera William Tell.


As the first notes escaped their lips, the choir members began to move.

They spread out across the stage like a well-choreographed dance troupe.

And then, in a surprising twist, they all turned their backs to the audience.

All, that is, except for one standout performer.


Out of the blue, this lone choir member let out a resounding horse’s “neigh.”

It was the last thing anyone expected in the middle of such a formal setting.

But it was also the perfect teaser for the laugh-out-loud moments that were about to unfold.


The audience erupted into laughter, completely taken by the girl’s spot-on horse impression.

As the chuckles subsided, the choir got back into formation.

Another snap of the fingers, and suddenly, several male performers pulled out imaginary ponies from their pockets, joining in on the barnyard antics.


What followed was a hilarious tableau of students pretending to ride their invisible horses.

If you’re familiar with the tune, you’ll know it’s famously associated with the Lone Ranger.

The choir members galloped in unison, looking like they’d been plucked straight out of a classic Western film.


But let’s not forget the real marvel here—the choir’s extraordinary ability to vocally replicate the instrumental masterpiece that is the William Tell Overture.

At one point, they even pretended to be out of breath, as if the performance had physically drained them.

But don’t be fooled; they were just adding another layer to their comedic act.

Now, you might not associate the word “comedy” with opera, but Rossini himself was known for his wit.

According to Song Facts, “Rossini was not only famous as a writer of comic operas, but was also renowned for his wit.


As the performance reached its crescendo, the choir members stood up for one final, uproarious hurrah.

They shook their hips, belted out a few more notes, and then dramatically slumped over in feigned exhaustion.

The crowd couldn’t help but give these multi-talented teens a standing ovation.

Not only did they showcase their vocal prowess, but they also proved they were far from being “one-trick ponies.”

Watch their hilarious performance in the video below!

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