Two Handsome Doctors Serenade With Sultry Voice
Love the song choice <3.
Kathleen Shipman

In our current world, those in the medical field deserve to be appreciated more than ever. Doctors and nurses have continued working to heal and care for the sick, all while putting their own health at risk.

There’s one pair of surgeons who are healing people in a different kind of way – and it doesn’t take a hospital visit for some treatment. If you’re feeling low, their musical remedy might help boost your spirits!

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Being doctors isn’t the only thing these guys are good at.

Doctor Elvis Francois knows how to soothe souls with his incredible singing voice. He creates music videos alongside his buddy, Dr. William Robinson, who’s a talented piano player. Together they’ve covered songs like “Imagine” and “Amazing Grace.”

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Besides being in the field of orthopedic surgery, Elvis Francois has a belief that “music is medicine.” He’s been making people feel better with his inspirational performances that have been going viral. And yes, he’s named after the legendary Elvis Presley!


Francois mixes his love of singing with his passion for medicine.

When he was doing his residency at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota – he’d sing to the patients or while working overnight shifts. He told WCCO:

“Music has such a medicinal quality to it. If you’re feeling great, a good song can give you an extra added boost. If you’re not feeling too good, music could be something that soothes you.”

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Francois and Robinson were invited onto The Ellen Show in 2018, where they had a chance to perform for the audience.

During their interview with the host, Robinson (who also did his residency at the Mayo Clinic) said:

“Elvis and I have been friends for a long time. We recently found that we had a shared passion in music. And we’ve also been realizing more and more that music, and some of the intangibles, play just as much a part of the healing, in the spiritual and emotional healing – as does the drugs, surgery, and everything else.”

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The musical duo performs feel-good songs that many of us need right now.

One of Francois and Robinson’s videos features them performing the classic, “Lean on Me.” While it was originally uploaded to YouTube in honor of “National Nurse’s Week.”

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Dressed in their scrubs, the doctors turn a hospital waiting area into a little concert hall.

Francois belts out the powerful lyrics while his co-worker tickles the ivories. He has one of those voices that can cause goosebumps, especially paired with Bill Wither’s 1972 hit.

On YouTube, he wrote:

“A huge thank you to the millions of nurse’s that care for the sickest of us on a daily basis. The words “Lean on me….when you’re not strong…..I’ll be your friend…I’ll help you carry on…” are words the best of nurses learn to live by. For caring for our mothers, our fathers, our grand parents and our loved ones. Thank you!”


The “Singing Surgeon” and his bandmate released an EP in April of 2020 called Music is Medicine and it contains four moving songs. According to Rolling Stone, the proceeds are being donated to the “Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Response Fund.”

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If you’re in need of some uplifting, Francois and Robinson’s version of “Lean on Me” might be just what the doctor ordered. You can watch their video below!

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