Guy compels strangers to come to a halt with his atypical version of ‘Amazing Grace’ on the piano
This was my first time hearing 'Amazing Grace' being played like this!
Sasha Alonzo

One of the most beloved and popular hymns that the music world has come to know is “Amazing Grace.” While this might’ve been published back in 1779, it remains almost everyone’s favorite. Not only is it played on Christian radio stations but also at various in-person events. The song is loved by all different age groups and people.

A brief history

Some people don’t know that Anglican clergyman and English poet, John Newton, who wrote this song did so from personal experience. As a part of the Atlantic slave trade, the vessel he was on became ravaged by a violent storm. Having grown up in a Christian home, he called out to God for His mercy. That led him on a quest to learn more about God’s grace and forgiveness.

Unsplash/Tom Verdoot
Unsplash/Tom Verdoot

Different renditions

Considering the popularity of Amazing Grace, numerous artists have performed their unique rendition of it. And they always do this song justice. But once in a while, someone comes along who puts a different spin on it.

Unsplash/Michael Maasen
Unsplash/Michael Maasen

A guy in a green jacket

In Europe, it’s common for shopping malls to have pianos. While people move about from one store to another, some stop to play a little tune. One man named Terry Miles spotted one but instead of playing something everyone’s heard, he went in another direction.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

A familiar tune

After taking his seat on the bench, Miles begins to play Amazing Grace. At first, he follows the traditional slow hymn. As he continues, a few people notice. But for the most part, he’s doing this for his enjoyment.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

Switching it up

Roughly 30 seconds into a video that’s now been viewed more than 8.4 million times, you begin to notice more of a blues vibe. Instead of diminishing the power of this song, it adds to it. The sound is nice, which makes more people stop to listen.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

A little back and forth

For about a minute, Miles combines both the traditional and blues sound. It’s quite beautiful and relaxing. It’s easy to see that he’s thoroughly enjoying himself. Soon, the crowd grows a little bigger.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

A total change

Then, Miles makes another change and this one is huge. Pounding on the keys, he turns Amazing Grace into rock and roll and boogie-woogie. It’s not disrespectful…instead, it’s just another way to showcase the beauty of the song.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

Working the crowd

At one point, Miles stands up while playing. While his fingers are going super-fast on the keyboard, his feet are stomping the ground. He’s giving the crowd a great performance.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

This guy is fantastic

During the rock and roll and boogie-woogie phase, the traditional sound of Amazing Grace fades away. But if you listen closely, you can still hear. This is the part in the video when Miles’ piano playing takes on a life of its own…in a good way.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

He’s incredibly good

The person filming Miles zooms in. You can really see just how fast his fingers move. Come to find out, this guy is a professional pianist. That’s why he has the skill to take an old-fashioned hymn and turn it into something unique.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

Bringing it back down

Toward the end of the video, Miles brings the tone down. As he finishes the song, you once again hear the hymn Amazing Grace. That’s when everyone applauds.

YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles
YouTube Screenshot/Terry Miles

To hear his incredible performance for yourself, watch the video below.

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Source: YouTube, Wikipedia
