A married couple’s first dance is a sacred thing. Some brides and grooms to-be spend months learning how to slow dance so that when the time comes on their big day, they can avoid having four left feet between them. Along with this necessity to have a successful first dance comes the essential task of choosing the best first song to dance to. Do you go clichéd with Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On?”, or take your chances with “Gold Digger” by Kanye West (Feat. Jamie Fox)?
Either way, getting the first dance just right is crucial- but what if the bride isn’t even involved?

Well if you’re this groom, and these are your groomsmen, your bride is in for a treat!
This bride had no idea what was coming for her when the DJ began setting up the dance floor for a “newlywed game”. As it turned out, the groom had more surprises up his sleeve than just popping the initial question. With his trusty groomsmen by his side, he prepared a dance routine extravaganza, and his brand new wife had the front-row-seat.

It’s an energetic start as the groom rallies the crowd.
Already the bride is in a state of disbelief as her hands dart to her face in surprise. She may have been expecting a slow dance for her inaugural shindig, probably not Chris Brown’s “Forever”!

It’s an impressive amount of coordination for a bunch of groomsmen!
You have to wonder if they’d called in an actual choreographer, or if they simply have it in them to pull such a gregarious stunt off. The comments section seems impressed with their planning too:
“The groom was so frigging adorable. I loved that he was so into it, especially during Bootylicious, He WAS Beyonce haha”- pa00w0rd

And he’s not exactly afraid of a little dirty dancing either!
He and the lads even manage to get a bit raunchy, but don’t worry, they stop just shy of anything that would require blindfolds for children. One thing is certain; that this bride has found one heck of a fun man to marry. I’m sure their marriage will never be dull.

Not to mention a little song and dance.
Our groom’s lip-sync skills are on point too and with his best fellas behind him, they seem like they could be the next big boy-band to hit the charts. Who knows, with enough attention on the internet perhaps they could reach their own fame. I wonder if you can hire them for your own wedding…

When the chairs come out you have to worry- Are a bunch of clothes about to come off?
Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about that (I’m sure much to the dismay of many of the charmed ladies in the video’s comment section). Although these…gentlemen…don’t hesitate to use these chairs to do some rather…sultry dance moves.

Watch the full video below to enjoy this wedding dance for the ages!
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