Firefighters are trained to extinguish hazardous fires and to protect life, property, and the environment.
They work closely with other emergency response agencies such as the police and emergency medical service. And sometimes, they dance and lip-sync to entertain us—yes, you read that right. Recent viral video phenomenon #LipSyncChallenge is a fun way for police, firefighters, and ETMs to engage with their communities.

This is how the Greenville Fire Department from Texas responded to the challenge.
As it turns out, all kinds of rescue service workers have a great sense of humor.

So, what’s the challenge?
Here’s the deal: police, sheriff, and fire departments across the nation are creating lip-sync music videos and then challenging other departments to do the same. The only goal is to have a lot of fun. It’s a task they’ve never responded to before, but the rescue services still surprised us with their sense of humor. The Greenville Fire Department chose four songs for the challenge and the outcome is hilarious.

The video has a little scenario and it’s obvious that GFD firefighters thought it through.
It begins as we walk through the Department’s entrance door. “To serve, to care, to support” is written on them and there is fake smoke all around.
After that, Flo Rida’s “My House” is the warm-up song.

We get to know them inside of The Greenville Fire Department as one of the team members opens the door and the cameraman walks in.
The challenge song version of “My House” is on and firefighters are lip-syncing to it with interesting choreography. We can see them going about their everyday business. Some are resting, others are exercising and a few of them are in the kitchen following the song and pouring themselves something cold.

Seeing firefighters out of their uniforms and having a blast is very entertaining all on its own!
Most people don’t usually think about what firefighters have to do when they’re off duty, so it’s nice to see them blowing away the cobwebs. Then the camera gets to a red door.

As we get through the red door, we enter a garage and see a few firefighting vehicles.
A firefighter who acts as the tour guide switches his cap for a firefighter helmet and jumps on the vehicle. Then the scene changes and we can see a vehicle going down the street. It stops by a fire hydrant and firefighters get off. As the song “Sexy And I Know it” starts, our heroes get completely soaked down with water and they pull off some hysterical dance moves to compliment the song’s lyrics.

They give some serious attitude: wet hair, water splashing, vests coming off…
You can see these men did their best to completely get into the role and it’s very amusing. Seeing the other side of people who save lives is priceless!

The scene changes once again and firefighters are now at work, examining the scene where a fire happened and conveniently dancing to “Pink Houses” by John Mellencamp.
It’s great to see that everyone in the brigade participated and understood the humor behind the challenge. Older members are dancing with younger ones, everyone’s on board, and the action is in full swing. The lyrics have never had a funnier interpretation! The video got more than two million YouTube views since it was posted. Needless to say, we can’t get enough of these videos!
Be sure to check out the full video in the link below:
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