While Westerns are often associated with clichéd gunfighter tales, the genre offers surprising diversity and depth. From its early days in Hollywood to modern times, Westerns have produced some of cinema’s greatest works, exploring various subgenres, themes, and styles. To showcase this diversity, we’ve compiled a list of 35 outstanding films spanning over 80 years of cinematic history.

#35 The Power of the Dog (2021)

While “Brokeback Mountain” has been lauded as the quintessential portrayal of homosexuality against hyper-masculine Western archetypes, Jane Campion’s Oscar-winning adaptation of Thomas Savage’s novel presents a compelling alternative perspective. Campion’s film delves into the complexities of its characters with a willingness to confront their flaws, resulting in a potent exploration of resentment’s corrosive effects. Rooted in classical Western imagery yet infused with modern sensibilities, it serves as a profound meditation on the destructive power of bitterness.