When a group of people get together to do surprise choreography, you get a flash mob.
They have become increasingly popular online over the years, and they’re always executed for different reasons. Sometimes it’s to entertain, other times it’s to promote, and sometimes it’s for a protest. Fitting with that trend is this impressive video of more than 250 people dancing at the Central Station in Antwerp, Belgium.

The goal was to promote the opening week of the Grease musical in Antwerp and they definitely did it in style. Who would expect that Grease still has such a stronghold on people?
The video begins fairly simply with one man dancing, but it slowly progresses into an amazing act with hundreds of people.

The video was captured during morning rush hour at the Belgian station. People were minding their own business, carrying their stuff and hurrying along as always. But a few moments later, there’s music blasting all over the place. It is the very familiar music from Grease, and people recognize it immediately. They start looking around and one man begins to dance. Four more join him in his dance and people free up the floor for them.
After that, dancers appear from all over and there are more than 250 people dancing on the floor!

This video is a beautiful way to start a day and will surely make you smile.
It’s a good reminder of everything that’s waiting for us once the social isolation of the pandemic is finally over! It’s an even bigger reason to stay safe and take care of you and your loved ones.

The funniest thing about the video is that everything happens at 7:30 am.
Even though it’s early and people are sleepy, the performers still put on a great show to wake them up. As soon as they hit the floor, there was music and dancing and everyone was in a good mood. This is a proper flash mob—it builds up and then melts away, giving everyone the time to enjoy themselves.

You can see the expressions on people’s faces change. Everyone is visibly happier and more relaxed, and they begin to feel all the energy around them. It never fails to amaze! The rhythm simply carries them all to a better place where all worries are gone.
Above all, their choreography is a perfect reminder of the magic of Grease.

Everyone at the train station got to witness a great show that morning.
It is so nice to see everyone participating in this, both young and old. For a few minutes, everyone was in tune with being happy and the results were so epic. The choreography is very well executed, and one could guess the theme even if there were no music.

In the end, this show brought out hidden talents from people who wouldn’t usually perform on their own. The smiles on everyone’s faces are contagious, and the whole thing is brilliant from start to finish. We could almost say that this is one of the best flash mobs out there.
Public spaces should be used like this, for fun and joy!

We love the spontaneous outbreaks these flash mobs create.
We need more of this to lighten our daily lives. Just imagine all the behind-the-scenes practice it would take to get this kind of performance set up. This is no small flash mob, and the participants were devoted to making it perfect. The video was uploaded in 2016 and has been viewed more than 24 million times. Needless to say, people still love Grease!
Users have commented the following:
The world at the moment needs more of this. It is showing we all have a chance. Wonderful
I never get tired of watching this video! It is the best of its kind on here. The number of people involved, the synchronization involved and just so much more! I love it!
Exactly what the world needs now.. music speaks no language it just fills hearts with so much joy
Bad I just started crying remembering what it was like to be in public without being scared to be close to people that was so great thanks
Thanks to these wonderful performers for reminding us that life can be FUN!
I personally never get tired of watching it over and over again. A special masterpiece of what can be achieved together. THANKS AGAIN!!
While you’re dancing love abounds. You see it in every face. We need so much of this.
Anyone else here in isolation in 2020 praying we get back to being able to gather like this again soon?
Thank you for bringing back the warmth… This just made me cried and i have realised how covid has changed us
This video is too beautiful! Reminding me how beautiful life was, going around and just being too carefree to be near to each other . Wishing and hoping those kind of days again. It’s hard to adopt the new normal!!