Police LipSync Battle challenges are popular around the country with many Police Departments participating in it.
As each one performs, then they challenge the next on and the fun just keeps continuing.

Allegedly, it started when Alexander Mena, a deputy in the Bexar County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office, posted a video online. In that video, he was singing the song “Fuiste Mala” by the Kumbia Kings. To that, many departments replied, including the Grapevine Police Department.
And the result couldn’t be more fun!

In the video that follows you can watch the department’s take on the challenge with hilarious results! They used three songs, “What a feeling”, “Footloose”, and “The time of my life”, and they did a great job..
Soon comes the funny part, which is him pulling a rope and probably turning over a bucket of water- honestly, this looks more like flushing a toilet.

The officer gets all wet and he seems to be enjoying it. He’s obviously having his “top model” moment.
Then he dances using a chair as a prop, still posing for the camera, but then it’s time to move on to the next song, and he can be seen laughing before the next clip appears.

The second clip starts in a police car, which makes sense when the two officers in there start singing “Been working so hard”- well, practically, they’re at work at that time, so the song is the perfect fit.
Then they get out of the car and they find another two people, one more officer and a woman, who are ready to follow them in their dance.

The three of them start dancing and singing and they’re fun to watch.
This isn’t your typical “pull over” to say the least!

The last song they sing is “The time of my life” and it’s the funniest of all!
Why is that? Well, because the two officers reenact one of the most iconic scenes of “Dirty Dancing”, the one where Johnny lifts Baby in the air at the end of their dance. In our case, one officer lifts up the other one, as they go on lip-syncing, with the person who did the montage of the video doing a great job!

A high-five between the two officers basically signals the end of the video that made us laugh so hard.
This video went viral with more than 4M views, 97K reactions, and 11K comments. Most of the Facebook users who responded to the video commented on how funny it was, while there were some that implied that those officers had nothing better to do that day.

To that, there was an official answer from the department that clarified that officers had gotten to work earlier that day and, after filming the video, they still did police work.

“Great Job Grapevine PD. You can’t help but to dance along,” someone wrote, while someone esle commented: “Ok…..you guys win hands down for the dirty dancing lift!!!”
These guys proved that police officers are people like all of us and have a sense of humor. We loved it and we’re sure you will, too.
Make sure you click on the video below to watch their hilarious performance!
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