You’ve done it unconsciously, and many times over too. Think about it. Sitting at your office desk, in line to get coffee, in the bus or driving home, and even while doing house chores, you’ve lip synced to your playlist, occasionally belting out the words at times during your favorite parts.
Fun though, right? Such a great way to escape the world while still accomplishing a few tasks here and there. Music does and always will lift the weight off our backs.

Probably why police departments all over the country have been having a blast with the lip sync challenge.
Here now for your viewing pleasure, and representing the town of Granite Falls, North Carolina, are the ladies (lady?) and gentlemen of the Granite Falls Police Department. Hit it!

It starts off with one officer conversing with the chief of police, asking him if he’s heard of the lip sync challenge. Of course he knows! He even says he’ll support them. What a good leader!

Ladies first! Windows down, sunglasses on, just rollin’ to Chamillionaire’s “Ridin”, she cruises around town feeling the energy and the beat of the hip-hop track. No messing with a lady in uniform.
She drives around, lights flashing, reminding the town that a woman can often pack more of a punch than her male colleagues.

What’s cool about this is that the cops even included a firefighter to add some depth to the video. Skillet’s “Hero” blares as the man in his suit sings his heart out while on his knees on a sidewalk.
They are heroes, lest people forget that fact.

Well maybe he really was breaking down hence his singing of that particular song because a police officer helps him to his feet and walks him away with reassuring pats on the back.
Another hero right there!

This feel good lip sync goes on through different scenes until it cuts to two officers, a man and a woman, talking to a guy in a red sleeveless top. The male cop asks the guy if they could talk to him for awhile, but instead of responding decently like a law-abiding citizen, the man makes a run for it. Guilty.
The lady cop holds her partner back from giving chase since, according to her,
“There’s a waterfall over there.”

That’s a classic TLC song! They eventually give chase to the guy in red then it shifts to an officer doing his best Justin Timberlake impersonation before the scene finally goes back to the office.

How about a little Britney Spears? It doesn’t stop a heavier set officer from bringing his moves so why should it stop you?
The chief of police finally decided to include everyone, and he means everyone. Get your dancing shoes on!
They set the mood to “Everybody (Backstreet’s back)” by the Backstreet Boys. A classic crowd favorite that’s sure to get everyone moving. And move they do! They jive and jam with the department’s colors proudly displayed on the wall.

Sure, they may not be a choreographed dance or something but it’s still nice to see these hardworking men and women take the time off to have a little fun at work. It breaks the image that the authorities are stiff and don’t know how to have fun.

Check out the talents of the Granite PD in the video below!
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Source: YouTube, Granite Falls PD