5 grandmas walk out in swimwear for hilarious routine no one will ever forget
When they first lift their arms I totally lost it. 😂
Cherie Gozon

Parties and presentations always bring out our creative side.

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Unsplash - No Revisions

Gone are the days when all we do is sing, dance, act, or combine the three.

We’ve raised the bar on how we define entertaining. Aside from jaw-dropping performances, we always find the funny ones as the most memorable.

We’ve seen a variety of creative presentations before.

Unsplash - Evan Fitzer
Unsplash - Evan Fitzer

It ranges from creative ones using colors and designs to create a beautiful optical illusion to downright hilarious ones like the tiny or miniature puppet dancers.

But here’s one presentation that’s thinking outside of the box.

How about a synchronized swimming presentation?

Pexels - cottonbro studios
Pexels - cottonbro studios

Yes, they’re indoors, but not in a pool. I’m talking about a group presentation for a small audience inside an intimate venue or room.

Yes, inside a room! How is this possible, you may ask?

These grandmothers did a creatively hilarious presentation by acting like they were doing synchronized swimming.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

It was a mini gathering at Oak Park Golf Club in Surrey, United Kingdom.

Judging by the decor in the background, this was a party over the holidays, and it’s always the best time to have fun.

Although their presentation wasn’t Christmas-y, the cheer these ladies brought to their audience was the same (or even double).

The party host introduced their presentation to the audience.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

She made it short but sweet, saying that the following presenters were Oak Park’s “either synchronized or not-quite-so synchronized” Swimmers.

Well, you be the judge about that!

Five ladies came in with their eye-catching costumes.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

They work a light-yellow swimming halter top, cycling shorts, nose clip, and a beautiful swimming cap which they designed with some plastic flowers.

Comic relief already kicks in when they raise their hands to do warm-up stretches because they put black “hair” spots on their armpits.

One commenter asked, “What are the black armpits for?”

Well, to make it funnier, of course!

They had a blue cloth as their “swimming pool” and even pasted some little fishies on it.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

The grandmas went behind that blue cloth and started swimming!

Get ready because magic is about to begin.

The music plays, and it’s not the usual tune you’ll see in recent swimming competitions, but I bet these ladies just want to stay true to their age.

The dance started with the swimmer lined up before they swam into the water to go on with their routine.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

They did various swimming strokes in unison or solo and did different formations with their heads or feet upright.

It’s so hilarious to imagine how they executed all those moves when they were not underwater!

One of their iconic formations was when they formed a circle in between.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

They stretched out their arms and put them back down to link their arms to each other.

Then, they swayed from side to side before they raised their arms again and drifted into the water.

The audience’s laughter in the background proved this number entertained them.

YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1
YouTube Screenshot - Ukemo1

They took their final bow and deserved every applause in that room.

This quirky presentation makes us wish we are still as active, graceful, and funny when we get to their age!

Watch the full performance in the video below!

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