If you are looking for your feel-good video of the day, look no further. This video of a happy grandpa dancing with his favorite granddaughter will warm your heart.

This grandfather and granddaughter dancing duo have swept up the hearts of anyone who watches. Moving and shuffling across the floor may be all he can muster but you can tell it’s the best part of his day.
However, there’s more to the story than just the smile on their faces.

Rachel, the young girl in the video, actually takes care of her grandfather. He is suffering from Alzheimer’s and needs some extra help around the house. She is always cooking, cleaning, and caring for the 93-year-old.

But between those chores are moments of fun. The two go on walks and Rachel reads to him, but the most precious thing they share is the dancing. The two of them are nothing but smiles and look like they truly enjoy each other’s company.
You can’t help but smile watching these two.

Clearly, Rachel is a dancer of some sort. Her moves are fluid and calculated.
Her grandfathers are slow and simple steps, to be expected from someone who is 93-years-old!
Even the song reels you in. The catchy summer hit ‘Cheerleader’ by OMI makes anyone listening want to dance, and this video is no exception.
Between the happiness on the grandfather’s face to the music playing in the background, this video brings all sorts of joy.

It’s even more touching to think that this man has someone that not only looks after him, but also helps him forget that he is sick. Even if it’s for just a few moments a day.
One viewer commented:
“What a wonderful young lady! That is so generous of her to be sweet to her Grandfather, like that. He just seems to blossom under her attention. He is really enjoying himself.”
Someone else wrote:
“Girl I think that is th sweetest thing I’ve seen watching this YouTube. It is wonderful what your doing. Don’t stop”

Alzheimer’s is a disease of the brain that affects memory along with a few other mental functions. Common symptoms are confusion and memory loss, more often found in older generations.
What is so unfortunate about the disease is that symptoms often get worse over time, and there’s no cure.

It’s common for the person suffering to forget the faces of loved ones and family members, which is why the disease is so devastating to everyone in that person’s life.
Luckily for Rachel, her grandfather’s symptoms aren’t that severe and the two can still enjoy time together.

We need more people like Rachel in the world. Bringing joy to others by caring for them and making them smile no matter what, and on top of that sharing those moments with others through social media.
Check out the full video below and good luck not smiling all the way through!
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