A group of dancers amazed the audience at the 2018 Australian DrillDance Championships. They performed a mind-blowing routine and it was also uploaded on YouTube in the same year.
They are the Black Diamonds.

They performed a stunning DrillDance to the famous and classic song – Bohemian Rapsody by Queen. It’s spectacular and truly remarkable.
Two years have passed, people are still watching their awesome video.

As of this writing, the video has already gained over 900,000 views on the aforementioned video-sharing platform.
What is DrillDance and why do people love it?
Like Cheer dance, a group of dancers has to perform it together. But, there are lots of differences between the two.

Cheer dance revolves more on acrobatic exhibitions and petrifying moves. With regard to DrillDance, it’s a routine being performed simultaneously. In fact, it also has three different categories including Dance, Prop, and Drill-Team.
“Teams choose their costumes and music to match the theme of each routine. Age groups are Under 8, Under 13, Under 18, Senior & Masters. DrillDance provides opportunities for physical activity, improved posture, coordination and teamwork.”
In Black Diamond’s viral performance, it’s an example of Prop DrillDance.

The group was using props during the performance to make it more creative and pleasant to watch.
“Prop DrillDance is the medium for teams to be creative within the realm of a drill / dance / rhythmic type routine with the emphasis being on the skillful use of props and precision in movement, performed to music of the team’s choice.”
Apparently, they chose the perfect song.
Queen’s song definitely made their performance more astounding. The lyrics of the song are also perfect for their entire routine.
“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality.”
Since all of them were wearing half colored print and half black costumes, their precise movements of the props make everything looks lovely and striking. These ladies also make it look easy!

They have proven that they deserve a spot in the competition. Well, there is no doubt about that because they really did a great job!
They’re giving everyone some amazing visual effects.

That’s even without using software or machine, all they had were their props, a good song, and their creative choreography. They spin with grace and carefully transition from one sequence to another. It’s just magical.
They also used their props to make a few images such as giant baseball gloves, peacock trains, sea waves, humongous flowers, and many more. It’s so fun to watch!

Aside from thousands of views, some viewers also expressed how they got impressed by this routine.
“Absolutely mesmerizing, awesome performance, and major kudos to the choreographer,” one commenter wrote.
The way they ended their routine is glorious!

They sat down on the stage and positioned their props ahead of them. It was like they were all wearing balloon gowns. It looks stunning. After that, they marched down the stage and used another song from Queen – Another One Bites The Dust.
It’s pretty obvious that these women put their 100 percent into this routine. It was all worth it as their 3-minute long performance is flawless and sublime!
Feel free to watch the video below and enjoy their spectacular routine!
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