Random Girl Beautifully Sings I Will Always Love You”
Her voice is so beautiful it gave me chills.
Eduardo Gaskell

Well this is pretty special. Imagine strolling in a mall just having a day to yourself when you hear what sounds like a live concert inside. So you rush to the scene where the sound is coming from only to see someone relatively unknown. But wow that voice!

This young lady decided to stop shoppers in their tracks with her own rendition of “I will always love you“. A song made popular by Whitney Houston but written and recorded in 1973 by Dolly Parton. And by no means is it an easy song to sing.

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She is undaunted.

She walks in the middle of an open space in her little black dress and a microphone in her hand looking very calm. You can see random mall goers in the back on their phones, some with their families and babies, some just walking by not minding this little lady singing the intro of the classic.

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They’re in for a surprise.

Dolly Parton wrote the song as a farewell to her former mentor and partner of seven years, Porter Wagoner, when Dolly decided to pursue a solo career. Her country style was a success but nothing could prepare the world for Whitney Houston’s version.

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The first part of the song doesn’t yet showcase the singer’s vocal range, instead allowing her to show her control as she sets the tone for what was to come next. Those people in the back better start paying attention!

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She could win those big talent shows.

The late great Whitney Houston recorded her version in 1992 for her film The Bodyguard. It spent a record breaking 14 weeks at the number 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and is one of the best selling singles of all time. Whitney’s vocal prowess was unparalleled, stunning listeners around the globe.

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It’s a crime how people keep walking by her.

That is until she reaches the second chorus and takes it a few octaves higher. She sings the iconic words with a bit more power now, playing with her tone just like Houston’s version. She’s got their attention now!

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Too bad this isn’t The Voice.

She goes on singing, not caring much about the people around her.

“I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love”

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That was a prelude once again for this young woman’s awesome vocal show. She pauses a bit before launching into the chorus so beloved around the planet, this time matching Whitney’s range and power.

“And I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you”

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And to have the guts to stand in the middle of a mall, where people are out and about just to sing her heart out is truly a testament to the confidence this young lady has. What a voice!

And when she finishes her performance, she gets a huge round of applause along with whistling cheers from her new fans. Those curious onlookers got a treat that day that’s for sure! So the next time, pay attention when someone is confident enough to stand and sing out there!

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Click below for chills down your spine with this amazing rendition!

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