As the old saying goes, if you need something done right, it’s best to do it yourself.
That DIY ethos is alive and well on YouTube—and this clip is a perfect example. That’s because one 13-year-old decided to take on the Beatles’ classic song “Ob La Di, Ob La Di” and do her own spin on it. But the twist is that she decided to perform every part of it herself!

The 13-year old Gabriella Umika Burgos, better known as Gabriella Bee or Miss Bee, is a popular YouTuber and performer who does cover songs on her channel.
Although there’s seven of her in the video, they are not septuplets. Although it took the Beatles four people to play all parts, Miss Bee decided she would take it on all on her own (with a little help from some fancy video editing).

Miss Bee is the one playing the ukelele, she is the one with the piano and the vocals, she is the one with the guitar, and she is both the percussionists, she was the one playing a toy flute, and she is the one with the xylophone in the video.

As she shows all on her own, she doesn’t need any backup singers—she is her own backup!

The entire time, Miss Bee looks like she’s having all the fun in the world.
She makes the whole thing look easy—and she even pretends to be distracting other versions of herself as she plays!

The percussionist does not need any drum sets or anything else—instead, Miss Bee only needs a stapler, some tic-tacs, and a couple of markers to make a perfect percussion sound.
The way she dresses up and handles herself is very cool.
Her hair and outfit also make her look a bit like Billie Eilish—the only difference is the hair color. She looks like Billie’s little sister with blue highlights on her hair instead of green!

Miss Bee turned this classical hit into a pop song for the new generation!
Even though The Beatles released the original song in 1976, she didn’t miss a beat in covering it. Even if the song is 44 years old, it’s clearly still speaking to new generations of kids as well!

If The Beatles could hear her own take on this song, we’re pretty sure they would be so impressed!
Her family, the Eh Bee family, is already famous on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Still, performances like this are only going to make her star shine even brighter.

Since this video was posted, it has earned nearly nine million views and it’s not hard to see why.
Needless to say, Miss Bee’s creativity is a shining light on YouTube and all of her fans are responding to it—but her profile is only going to get bigger and bigger. Aside from this video, she also has other vlog videos with the rest of her family and her friends. Some of her other musical performances are also worth checking out, such as her cover of “I’ll Be There” by Walk off the Earth.
Performances like that one show just how much talent she has all on her own… we’re going to keep an eye on her!
Congratulations to Miss Bee on her awesome and creative performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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