Georgia man sings at audition at girlfriend’s behest and can’t believe what judges tell him
He should listen to his girlfriend more often. 🤩
Jessica Adler

Travis Pratt, a Georgia native, took a leap of faith onto the America’s Got Talent stage, nudged by his girlfriend’s unwavering belief in his talent.

Little did anyone know, Travis was about to unravel a surprise that would leave the audience and judges spellbound.

His journey from the wings to the spotlight was not just about showcasing his voice but also about sharing a moment that would soon become unforgettable.


As Travis introduced himself, his deep, resonant voice filled the auditorium, hinting at the extraordinary performance that was about to unfold.

“I’m gonna sing for you tonight a song that my girlfriend loves,” he shared, his words laced with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

The audience, unaware of the surprise Travis had in store, waited with bated breath.


The first note of opera that escaped Travis’s lips sent a wave of surprise through the crowd.

Opera? From this unassuming man? But as Travis continued, his voice soaring into a flawless soprano solo, the room transformed from skepticism to awe.

The disbelief was palpable, as if the audience was witnessing a miracle in real-time.


Travis chose “O Mio Babbino Caro,” a piece renowned for its complexity and beauty, a bold choice that showcased not just his talent but his courage.

Watching Howard Stern’s reaction, filled with gleeful chuckles and wide-eyed wonder, was a spectacle in itself.

“This is the most outrageous audition I have ever seen. And I mean this in the kindest way, Sir. You are a freak, but I mean it, like, in a good way,” Stern exclaimed, encapsulating the shock and admiration that filled the room.


As Travis’s performance came to a close, the audience erupted into a standing ovation.

It was a collective gesture of respect and admiration for the man who had just poured his heart into every note.

At the sidelines, Elvira, Travis’s girlfriend, glowed with pride, her belief in Travis now shared by everyone in the room.


The judges were in disbelief, with Howie Mandel echoing the audience’s astonishment, “That was you hitting those notes?”

It was a moment of validation for Travis, a confirmation that his talent was as real as it was extraordinary.


But the surprises weren’t over.

Travis, riding the high of his successful performance, turned the stage into an even more personal platform.

With Elvira by his side, he shifted the spotlight onto their love story.

“I have known from the first moment I laid my eyes on you…” he began, his voice trembling with emotion as he dropped to one knee. The proposal that followed, heartfelt and sincere, turned the auditorium into a room filled with love, support, and joy.


Elvira’s nod, amidst tears and smiles, was the perfect climax to an already unforgettable audition.

The room buzzed with excitement, a testament to the power of love and the unexpected journeys it can take us on.

“Don’t you think everybody should hear this?” Elvira had asked Travis before the audition.

Now, the world had not only heard Travis’s voice but had also witnessed their beautiful moment of commitment and love.


See Travis burst into full-blown opera before popping the question below!

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