Although prestige television is having a cultural moment right now, reality television shows still remain as popular as ever.
Ever since the advent of American Idol, the world’s audiences have been exploring all kinds of different reality competition shows. Although Idol is a reality straightforward competition among singers, other shows like The Voice have added some unique wrinkles to that same formula.

On the other hand, there are also shows like America’s Got Talent that accept far more kinds of performers and have a more diverse range of performances as a result.
But what many people don’t know is that Got Talent is actually an international franchise.

As it turns out, each country and region around the world has their own unique version of the same show.
In all the above, the rules and the set-up of the show are basically the same. The main difference is that different regions tend to source different kinds of talents, some of which are truly incredible and unusual.

The performance we’re talking about today comes from Georgia’s Got Talent of Georgia in Eastern Europe. The performer in question was Genadi Tkachenko, As he explains, Tkachenko is a theatre and movie star looking to get a bigger platform through the show.
With that, he walks out onstage and introduces himself to the judges.

As he explains, he says he’s going to do an act that is a little bit unusual—and that is completely improvised.
Rather than singing a traditional song, he says he wants to create or help the audience imagine the feeling of space or of the universe.

In some strange sense, he wants to simulate messages from Earth using only his voice and some microphone effects. As he starts, he uses his voice to imitate birds flying, insects buzzing and strange things moving in the bushes.
From the very start, all the judges are staring at him with their mouths wide open.

After a few moments, Tkachenko even starts chanting!
As it turns out, he has a great voice aside from his vocal impressions, which are spot on. After that, he starts bending his voice in a way that sounds like he’s doing an impression of a string instrument—but after that, he lets his voice soar into an operatic tone as well.

Although nobody really knew what to make of it at the beginning, as it goes on, the performance gets more and more magical.
About halfway into it, one of the judges even has tears in her eyes.

Although the performance is definitely quite eerie, there’s something so unique and incredible about it.
To wrap it up, Tkachenko finishes the performance the same way he started it, with bird calls. When it’s all over, there’s no debate—one of the judges hits the Golden Buzzer for him immediately! Since the clip was loaded onto YouTube, it has earned more than 30 million views and it’s easy to see why.

Although everyone is used to seeing people do traditionally excellent vocal performances, it’s rare to see something so abstract and interpretive! Even so, his performance was moving and memorable.

Congratulations to Genadi Tkachenko on a truly original audition! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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